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Me and Finn returned to D'qar to celebrate me and finn as being knights of the jedi order that we would rebuild over the years. On the night of our celebration me and finn were tiring ourselves out at the party so we retired to our room where we had fun there for the rest of the evening. Finn and I were just so drunk from the night before that we didn't realise that we had sex the night before so I went to the medical centre on D'Qar and the specialist there told me I was pregnant and I was just so happy. I went home to Finn who just got back from a mission he had to do for the resistance and I gave him the exciting news and all he said was " WHATT is this because of last night I should have known". he was sort of happy and I told him to calm down and he did that and I said to him "this is what we wanted, we can carry on the legacies of skywalkers and kenobi's for generations". So from then on i was watching out for what i was doing with myself i didnt want to harm the baby so i just had to wait. As my baby grew the relationship between ben and phasma grew as well he once came to me for advice on how to propose to someone like her since he had no idea about how to love someone. I told him to take her to a romantic spot and just pop the question that was the way finn did it for her so it was fair to give him advice about romance. I was alerted by ben when he just woke me up to tell me that phasma had said yes to his marriage proposal.

I was shocked when rey told me that ben and phasma were getting married by the force lives were being restored with the first order being in hiding. It took months of planning but we finally got the wedding ceremony in place and we had it on anakins homeworld of tatooine, ben wanted to feel part of tbe skywalker family this made it easier for him. Ben and phasma decided to take a tour of the galaxy to see the what other worlds were like and then two weeks later they got back and then a few days aftfer that rey was going into labor and now i was freaking out. We rushed her to the medical facility and the doctors said that her condition was fine, not like her grandmother when the sith were draining her life force away. I was waiting outside the operating chamber when i was called because i had to hold the baby after. The operation was going all right rey was screaming has any mother would so i was happy she gave birth to our child. After the operation we decided to name the baby after her grandfather since the baby was a boy so was in the world the second anakin skywalker. Rey had to stay at the medical centre for a week just to be precautious that no problems were occur after birth when anakin came he was happy to have a great grandson named after him.

When finn dropped me off at our apartment on d'qar anakin had already started crying and you couldn't blame him because he was hungry and the only food he could eat was the breast milk supplied by me. So most of the time until he could eat normal food i would feed him my breast milk which was all bad except for the part of feeding him every 3 hours that was a pain. Finn would normally return a few hours later to look at his son and play him has much as he could. I'd say the most irritating part of raising an infant was the crying almost every second. I was always excusing myself from luke's jedi training but i just couldnt help myself our child needed to be looked after i was very vigilant for signs of the force. I took anakin for a walk in the park on d'qar i put him in an automatic stroller and took him out, i saw a plant just about to die when anakin looked at it and tried to grab it with his hand it suddenly roared back to life it was then i knew my son was blessed with the force powers of life like his great grandfather i then promised to train him has a jedi when the time would come. I considered ben as anakins uncle because well i didnt have a brother neither did finn and i asked ben and phasma to be the godparents of anakin and they said yes. When i had to go and fix stuff for the resistance i would ask luke or anakin to look after anakin junior and they told me that his powers of the force were growing so i needed to face the challenge he could pose as if we werent careful.

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