Love Me Only As Krill Do

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The two krill swam side by side in silence, not saying a word as they left the only home they ever knew.

"Will?" the one on the left asked, who was identified by his slightly pinker than average left backleg, but he didn't know that.

"Yea Bill?" the one of the right replied, who looked 100% in no way unique, and he knew it.

"Why are we doing this?"

"Because..." Will started, trying to put the feeling into words, "Because... I... I don't know..." he finished, his krill shoulders slumping forward in defeat.

"Hey, it's okay" Bill told him, putting on of his krill arms around his friend's shoulder.

"No it's not!" Will shouted, pushing his friend, "I'm a nobody! Nobody knows my name, nobody can even tell the difference between me and another krill. I don't have some unique feature like your slightly pinker than average left back leg, on one loves me Bill! No one cares!"

Bill looked at Will in shock, at a loss for words as he saw a singly tear roll down his best friend's krill cheek metaphorically of course, since they're underwater - and he finally knew it the moment to how he felt. But as he looked up, he saw Will leaving.

"Will wait! Stay!' he yelled.

"What's the point?" Will asked in response, turning around.

"What if I told you." Bill said, coming close.

"Told mewhat?" Will asked, the anger forgotten as his heart sped up at the close proximity of his lifelong best friend and secret crush.

"That someone out there loves you" Bill said, the distance between them filled with electricity.

"Who?" Will asked, swallowing nervously.


And then Bill was kissing Will, something he's wanted for years, as had Will and soon it went from a simple kiss to a heavy krill make out session.

And they lived out the rest of their short, gay krill lives together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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