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Hello all, and welcome! For those who have stumbled upon this, welcome! For those who mistakenly followed me a few years ago, you're crazy for being here, but thank you!

Newcomers skip this part unless you care about me.
For everyone else, I realize I have been absent a very long time, and would to thank any who follow me.
Life has been very difficult for the last couple years, with personal issues, and family issues abundant, and it has not been any kind of journey that one could tell without ruining their listeners, so I shall refrain. What is important is I am here, and getting better.
For those who care about Summer Knights, the only relevant story on this particular incarnation of my various pseudonyms, it shall go on, slowly, but surely. School is winding down, and I do intend on finishing it.

New people come back here!
The story you are about to read, Krill, is the lovechild of something beautiful: A broken mind, and love for another. Now like all children, it is flawed, it can be difficult to look at, and you may want to throw it out a window, but I urge you, find something to love about it. I enjoyed writing very much, and have no regrets that I have not edited it, nor will I ever. Some things need to stay pure.

With all of this, I bid thee adieu, I do hope you'll enjoy it.

~ Someone who cares

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