Part 5: (Hate to Love AUs)

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( By: ) 

you asshole how dare you–give me flowers? are you apologizing? who are and what have you done to my arch nemesis

I must have hit a really sensitive spot because you started crying and shit what do I do? do I awkwardly hug you or something?

we had to do a secret santa where we didn't know who was receiving our gifts either and well shit it turns out my gift's for you, why did I buy such a nice thing

I absolute hate you but my cat adores you and she keeps wandering into you apartment/home and you keep on appearing at my door to give her back

I work as a barista and you always come over during my shift and order the most complicated drink ever and now I've memorised all of favourite food and drinks

we always fight but never physically but then I accidentally injured you and now I'm waiting in the ER and you're trying not to cry

I thought I could finally escape you when I go to university but hey it turns out you're fucking roommate holy crap why now I have to deal with you sleeping two meters away from every night

AU's That Are Really Cute O///OWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt