Part 3 ( OTP Ideas )

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( By: ) ( Imagine these bananas (\ are bullet points xD )

(\Person A lives in a cabin in the woods and likes to go on walks through the forest. One day while on their walk, they think they spot a deer but upon closer inspection and a couple more encounters, Person A meets Person B who is a centaur.

(\Imagine Person A getting woken up on their birthday with some amazing morning head. 

(\Imagine Person A creating a Fairy Garden which attracts a very curious little pixie (aka Person B)

(\Imagine your OTP having sex for the first time after a long break away from each other. (Either being very angrily passionate, frustrated and controlling, or fluffy and loving)

(\Imagine your OTP getting high together. It's Person A's first time, so they get a really bad whitey, but Person B is experienced and cares for them through it.

(\Imagine your OTP as a magical fairy couple. Wings that are complimentary colours, and abilities that balance each other out, and voices that harmonize to create a perfect melody.

(\Your OTP are both dwarves and they like to compete to see who's taller. 

Imagine Person A taking really stupid but hilarious shots of Person B with the snapchat filters

(\Person A likes to make cookies for Person B, but doesn't actually say they're for Person B because they don't want Person B to look so smug.

(\Person A refuses to say 'I love you' to Person B, but will say 'I "like" like you' instead.

(\Imagine your OTP getting high as all fuck. Person A only needs one hit from the bong/joint to get high, but Person B is a pro and resistant as hell to it.

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