reason 1

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James Baker, everyone knows our little summer love story, or at least they think they do. I could leave this here and never explain really what happened, leaving everyone reading this wondering what actually happened between us, but that doesn't sound like something I would do. So i'm going to tell our story...all of it. Here goes nothing.

Lets flash back to summer of 2014. I had a great boyfriend and someone to finally call my best friend, life was good. You where a pretty good boyfriend too, James. You took me on cute movie dates and bought me the best ice cream. You always knew where to go and what to say, i'm not gonna lie, I was head over heels, but all good things come to an end. I soon figured that out. 

We had just gotten ice cream (like usual) after another fun day together at the beach. You where walking me home and it was kind of cold, so being the smooth guy that you where, gave me your jacket and right before we got to my house you kissed me. It wasn't just a normal cute kiss, it was something special, something electrifying.  After I had gotten home I couldn't shake the energized feeling our kiss gave me, so I decided to walk over to my best friends house so I could tell her all about my great day. Well, when I walked through her gate I saw something that drained all of the emotions out of my body. You, my boyfriend, James Baker had your lips locked to my best friend. (predictable, I know). But after seeing that one little thing everything changed. My picture perfect summer collapsed before I could say anything. Of course, my best friend and boyfriend soon noticed that I had seen their little five minutes in heaven, and made up many excuses (also predictable). 

Anyways James, you are probably wondering why this story had anything to do with my decisions. While I wanted you to know that this "little" incident tore me apart. I had no one to talk to and no one to trust. Do you know what its like to have everything and then watch it fall apart at your feet? I felt so broken and I had no idea how to put myself back together. But in all honesty, I am glad that you two are happy now, so I guess that a good thing 

And if your'e wondering who the "best friend" was, don't worry. Because she is my next reason.



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