Familiar scent

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   We made it through the ruins. Something felt off the whole time. I haven't seen a single monster since I reset...unless he's a monster, I don't think he is...I question if I should ask him. We are outisde the ruins house...the smell of pie fills the air. She must be home she has to be! Right?...I ended up dissapointed when we walked inside no Toriel to be seen. I realized I didn't even know his name. 

"Um wait...I don't even know your name...I'm Frisk by the way."

"Oh..how rude of me..I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself. Well, greetings I'm Chara."

The name was oddly familiar to me...I didn't really say anything in return. 

"What's that smell? ....oh shit I forgot about the pie! Be right back frisk."

He ran off..who is he anyway..Chara caretaker of the ruins pffft. Well now that I think about it he sorta is. He bakes just like Toriel too. I still wonder what happened, I have an eerie feeling he did something to her. I swear I know that name from somewhere. 


I walked into Toriels bedroom but nothing in here looked like Toriels..the bed sheets were black and red and the bed frame matched the chair and desk, art supplies scattered across it. Red drapes hung around the bed, and it was much bigger. The drapes seemed to match the rug on the floor. All I wanted to do was sleep after looking at that bed and I was rather tired. The bed looked king size in fact Toriels room in general seemed..bigger too? After last reset and everything up until this point I just passed out. I saw a dark figure in my dream I remember it distinctly. I remember seeing hands then hearing charas voice saying he will always help..to be honest thinking back at it, it sounds like a bad horror movie with some stupid romantic ending. Meanwhile well I was asleep I guess Chara took the pie out of the oven and came into the bedroom to see me passed out, not sure what that guy is trying to pull. I woke up with him pinning me down at the wrists. He whispered in my ear.

"Your sleeping in my bed deary, are you that eager to be in bed with me~"

His tone made me shiver...he's sorta a pervert but...I didn't say anything I was kinda afraid. He started to softly kiss my neck and I squirmed in discomfort with the situation but he didn't seem keen on stopping. I felt one of his hands move from my wrist to my waist and creep up my shirt. I kept trying to force the words out telling him to stop. He smelt nice though,a comforting smell, his hair brushes against my face...the smell almost like buttercups.

"Wow, you must like this..you don't seem to be complaining~" he chuckled softly

He licked up my neck slowly moving his hand to my chest I quietly said for him to stop. I was supprised he listened he just got off me and said.

"All you have to do is ask don't be afraid, I wouldn't hurt you. Besides communication is important in any kind of relationship"

I looked at him blankly honestly shocked cuz I thought he was gonna rape me or something..but he didn't. He just did what I told him to. I actually respected him more, I mean he did climb on top of me and kissed my neck which made me feel violated to an extent. Hey...I did sleep in his bed..that's not a good excuse at all but whatever at least he respected my boundaries. I guess....i don't know. After that he helped me out of bed, leading me out of what I guess he made into his room. I sat at the table and he brought me some pie. It was...chocolate pie. Still warm and gooey. Chara offered to feed it to me but I refused because..that's weird I mean I just met this guy..even though the bedroom stuff happened..I acted like it didn't..for the most part anyway. I kinda did get turned on by his tone of voice but I shook that thought from my mind with disgust, and finished eating my pie. He just sat and sketched in his sketch book in Toriels chair. I wonder what he was drawing. And the sweet smell of chocolate and buttercups seemed to fill the house, a familiar scent.

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