he will learn

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I will teach him. I will teach the bastard how I felt and feel no matter what. If it means killing him all well. Wait where did he go. Damit the bastard escaped. He is probably telling the others. All well if they find out. They can't stop me even if they tried. So I walk I will find him and teach him. No matter what. I found him but I can't. I can't teach him. He already knows the pain? Why dose he have to be so fucking bad. Can he just be normal or like Tobi. Because that would help me so fucking much. I can't hurt him. I can't tell him. Why me. Why dose he have to be him. AHH!!! I'm tired of having feeling and thoughts. Why can't they just end. Why can't he just end. Damit!! I have to teach him more. So I slap him and his eyes went red as blood. Oh how it made me want to pluck them out but no I can't. He then looks at me and says "Harder.. Why are you scared I am a bitch and your my trainer right that's what you think well your wrong." He then gets a knife and grabs my hand and runs down the road and in front of a house and says "Watch this is what you want right". He then breaks a window and jumps in and I hear a woman and man scream. Then I see blood squirt out of the window. Then he runs to the child's room and says " Your parents are dead now and guess who killed them. Now better go but i will be back." Then he jumps out of the window and runs and hides in a bush about 10 meters away from the house. Then he says wait till he is in the orphanage.

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