meeting my differences

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As we ran into the woods and hide before the cops could find us. Jeff was leading us somewhere i dont know where and he wouldn't tell me. We were wandering around a forest in the middle of no where for days now and all we've had to eat is berrys berrys and a deer. And all we did was talk. It was so weird because he started to care for me like when i almost fell off a tree while i was trying to see where we were going and i fell . He caught me and started crying. He said i needed to be more careful while he sobed. Now all he dose is watch me to make sure i dont get hurt ,and talk to me about him and his brother Liu. And why he was in the hospital. He always wanted to know about me. I never knew why
Jeffs POV:
This girl is so clumsy she has no idea. She had no idea how much i love her either. I wonder if she will ever know. She is so beautiful. With her blood red hair. How she walks with a depressing yet preppy step. Even her height is cute especially when she is only 5 foot. She is so much better than jane was.
Readers POV:
I woke up in the middle of the night and i see jeff with a real smile and he starts to say a chant she won't sleep when i say sleep she trust when im not trust worthy she kills like i do innocent. Then i shake him awake because i was to afraid. And i ask him can you cuddle me to sleep. He blushes as he says yes. Then we cuddle to sleep. The next day i asked him about what he said in his sleep and he just said it was about jane. I think it was about something else thow. But all well im crazy . the next during the next few days we found a mansion. In the middle of the forest. I thought it was a celebrity but it wasn't no it was a house of family it was so loving ( we stalked them for a couple of day) but yet awsome.
( this chapter is all thanks to Tamara one of my best writer friends)

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