Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

(A/N: Final chapter! Hope you all have liked reading this story! Enjoy!)

Chapter 9

“An exchange.” D’artagnan finally offered up.
“I go aboard your ship with the diamonds, the girl comes aboard ours. Once I know she’s safe, I give them to you.” Rochefort shook his head, an evident smirk on his face.

 “Fine. But I want to see the diamonds first.” So it was agreed upon.

“Planchet.” Porthos signaled for Planchet to follow him below, patting him on the shoulder. We all followed to the side of the ship.

“Cut her loose.” I heard Rochefort order behind me. I felt my heart rate skyrocket for the poor girl. Being tied with a flimsy rope on a ship sailing thousands of feet above ground would scare anyone to no end.
A bridge was sent out across from their ship to ours. Their ship was much larger than our own, a simple bump would send us out of the sky. It made me question how such a beast could be constructed. It was much windier now, the breeze picking up, clouds now gathering around us that obstructed any view of the lands below. It didn’t look good. A storm was definitely brewing right before our eyes. The bridge before us seemed very rickety and I didn’t trust it all too well. It creaked in the slightest of breeze, the wood groaning with age. The door opened, revealing Rochefort and Constance within its frame.

“Satisfied?” D’artagnan called. Rochefort stepped aside as Constance cautiously stepped out, the bridge shaking slightly. D’artagnan met her halfway and they exchanged a glance before she made it to us and D’artagnan made it to the opposing ship. I grabbed her arm to help her fully across, sending her a comforting smile before our gazes shifted back to D’artagnan. Before any of us could comprehend it, he was bludgeoned over the head and knocked to the ground, Rochefort closing the door.

“What the hell?!” I cried, turning to Aramis, Athos, and Constance, astonishmemt washing over clouded features.
“FIRE!” The word took a moment to register fully before I took notice of the cannons being aimed at us.

“Hard right!” Athos ordered Aramis, who now took control of the ship.


Below deck, Porthos and Planchet were loading and shooting off the cannons, the ship rocking at the constant oncoming force.
Cannons were fired left and right, the noise filling my ears and leaving my head pounding. Our ship took major damage right near us. We all dove out of the way, Athos diving from behind me, now on top of me, shielding me from the blast. Debris was flown everywhere, one large piece of wood cutting my arm harshly, ripping right through my clothing.

‘Damn. Those were new too!’ I cursed internally. I hissed at the pain that now shot up my arm, the warmth spreading like a fire despite the cool air that whipped around us. The cannons were nonstop.

“Thanks.” I breathed. He nodded his head with a slight smile before we all managed to get to our feet again. Aramis returned to trying to keep control of the ship, a task I wouldn't dare try myself. The wheel was as wild as a bucking bronco, the cannon fire adding to the fight.
“FINISH THEM OFF!” Rochefort ordered his men.

“We can’t outrun them and we can’t outgun them.” Athos stated.

“No, come on! We are totally kicking their asses with our tiny ship!” I said straight faced, arms crossed.

Athos sent me a look. The boat rocked again nearly making me lose my balance. Constance shot a hand to my back as I started to fall and I gave her a smile and nod.

“We could try asking them to surrender, but somehow I don’t think it would work.” Aramis added.
Lightning painted the sky with fierce, short lasting streaks, a storm now overhead.

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