Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

The bright sun filtered in through the cloudy window. Dust danced throughout the room, swirling and a pas de deux occurred with the warming light. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Athos was still fast asleep beside me.

“Athos.” I whispered quietly, shaking him gently. He didn’t move.

“Athoos.” I called a bit louder this time. He still refused to wake.



With that, he shot awake, tumbling to the hard wooden floor below us. I covered my mouth, a bit shocked at the reaction, before stumbling to my feet and to his side. “I’m sorry Athos! Are you alright?” I asked, helping him up.

“Good morning to you too.” He grumbled sarcastically, rubbing his head where it clashed to the aging floorboards.

The smell of food hit our nostrils as we waltzed into the kitchen.

“Seriously, I’m sorry Athos.” I said for what seemed like the twentieth time that morning.

“I said it was alright.” He repeated once more, grabbing a plate of food and sitting down to eat.

But wait Alexis, aren’t you supposed to make the food? You are the woman of the house.

Wrong once more.

That’s what Planchet is here for. The second I try to make anything edible there’s a big possibility you may not wake again. I never was one for cooking. My mother tried to teach me like a normal woman but that resulted in the house nearly burning down and mother never letting me near fire again.

I’m much different from your average woman. First off, being I fight alongside the Three Musketeers. Second, I can’t cook, don’t clean too much either. The list goes on.

Breakfast was quiet this morning. The boys kept to themselves. That was until we were summoned by the king himself. It wasn't too surprising, seeing as we did put on quite the show the other afternoon. We were probably being reprimanded.

We all strode up to the palace in ‘proper attire’. The halls were lined with guards and we were told to stand and wait. I stood in between Athos and Porthos.  

“His majesty the king.” The voice echoed off the large walls and we all bowed before him.

“Well well well.” He looked at the five of us. “Alexis.” I nodded to him. “I see you still haven’t obtained a dress.” He smiled.

“Don’t plan on getting one, Your Majesty.” I smiled back. He said as he cleared his throat.

“Brawling with the Cardinal’s guards. That’s very bad.” He scolded at us like pets. “What have you got to say for yourselves?”


“Humbly beg your pardon, Your Majesty.” Aramis cut D’artagnan off before he could say anymore. 

“Yes. Yes , I should hope so, too. So, tell me, how many were involved in the altercation?” He asked, scanning the five of us.

“There were five of us against forty of them, Your Majesty.” Porthos spoke.
“Five against forty?” He asked quite impressed. “And you beat them like a drum?” The Cardinal coughed, signaling the king to do something. “And, yes, you will have to be reprimanded, of course, most harshly. I’m afraid. You do understand that, don’t you?”

“We do, Your Majesty.” I spoke forth.

“Her Majesty, the Queen.” The voice echoed once again and the Queen herself came out before us. Behind her was the girl D’artagnan had talked to before in the courtyard. The women bowed and the king greeted them.

“Anne. What a.. pleasant surprise!” The King said genuinely surprised, a bit awkward as well.

“My ladies and I wanted to see the valiant Musketeers who stood against the Cardinal’s guards. Five against forty? Or was it four hundred?” She asked, impressed.

“Just forty, Your Majesty.” Athos told her.

“It was an off day.” I added. The king chuckled.

“That’s my Musketeers for you. By the time they write songs about them it’ll be four thousand. ”

“I hope you won’t be too harsh with them. After all boys will be boys.” Her Majesty’s eyes flicked to me. “And then there’s the girl who wants to stand out.” She smiled to me. “I admire that she doesn’t wear a dress like the rest of us. It’s different. It’s bold.”

"It's illegal." The Cardinal muttered.

“You must be D’artagnan.” The queen walked in front of him. “My lady in waiting has told me about how brave and dashing you were yesterday. But you must try not to be so reckless.”

“Can’t help myself, Your Majesty.” He replied.

“Your Majesty, the culprits.” The Cardinal reminded him.

“Ah! Yes, yes. Well, stand up, then.” He ordered and we quickly did so. “Athos. Alexis. Porthos. Aramis. Forgive me for saying this, D’artagnan, but you do look a little underdressed.”

“My father is a poor man, Your Majesty. A former Musketeer as well. These are the only clothes I have.”

“Oh, Lord. We shall have to rectify that. Can’t have my Musketeers, or the son of one, looking like tramps. New suits all around, I think. Yes. You’ll see to that, Cardinal?” The Cardinal continued to look quite irritated. “And, yes, I think a purse of gold for each as a reward for your courage. You’ll see to that as well, Cardinal.” He gave a fake smile but his irritation easily bled through it. I smiled internally.

I never truly was fond of the Cardinal, honestly. Don’t think he really favored my company much either.

“And, yes, before I forget, no more fighting with His Eminence’s guards. Hmm? Or there’ll be none of them left.” Everyone chuckled.

“Your Majesty, might I suggest a more… -“

“Forgive my impudence, Cardinal, but I doubt the King requires your advice in this matter. After all, they are his Musketeers. Good day, gentlemen. Lady.” The Queen interjected, before walking away.

“Well, now, off with you rascals. But be there for the parade tomorrow. New suits and all.” He said before sending us off.

 I gave a smile to Athos and he ruffled my hair playfully before resting an arm around me and following after the guys, who had already started walking off.

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