The Blessings that are Parents

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  • İtfaf edildi For my Mom and Dad

The love of a mother,

How happy am I to hold fast to her embrace,

The joyfulness of a father,

Humor and laughter splayed upon his face,

Through the years upon their brows grow hair of silver,

Happily do they bear much wisdom,

That upon us this wisdom they might deliver,

That to the world, our minds are not made clueless and dumb,

They raise me up in the righteous Word of our Creator,

Teaching me to be a follower of His Son,

They profess that there is none greater,

Then the Almighty One,

A father and mother,

Such great care and happiness can be derived from their presence,

Tenderness baring forth from one to another,

Their words carrying feelings of delicate pleasance,

Hearts of care,

Eyes twinkling gayly,

Minds with wisdom they share,

Steadying hands held readily,

Though my family is far from perfect,

Though indeed we rise up, harsh words do we speak

Care still remains in forgiving effect,

For true love turns the other cheek,

I thank God for the parents to me he has blessed,

That I was born to two people so amazing,

That their affection for us have they not suppressed,

That forever until death shall their arms, minds, and hearts be embracing.

The Blessings that are ParentsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin