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His face was rubicund with fury. "I can't fuck believe you, (Y/N)!" He shouted as you sunk into the couch. You could feel pressure in your face as your vision began to impair. Your face was slick with your own tears and he continued to scream at you. "What the fuck did I tell you!? I warned you! Why don't you ever use your fucking head!?" You'd never seen him so upset.

You knew what you did was foolish but you didn't realize it at the time.

You were being interviewed for a magazine. The reporter was asking you questions about you and Liam's life together. Before you went in Liam warned you not to say anything too personal. "They may try to manipulate your words. Think about your before you speak, okay, Love?" You nodded and he pecked you on the head before you went in. You were so overwhelmed with the idea of being interviewed that you forgot Liam's words. When the interviewer asked you what you knew about Liam's childhood you said what you knew. But the interviewer twisted your words around. They manipulated you.

When Liam saw the magazine his mouth gaped open; "(Y/Full/N) spills about One Direction band member Liam Payne. She says Liam was abused as a child and mistreated. She tells us about countless nights when she was awoken by Liam screaming out for help. We have a hunch that Liam may have some unresolved daddy issues!"

"I can't believe you! I told you to shut your mouth and now I have thousands of tweets from fans giving me their sympathy, and my mother is furious with me!" His voice was cracking and I knew if he yelled more he would strain his voice. "Please stop yelling, Liam." You bawled as you brought your knees into your chest. "I didn't say any of that! All I said was you were not very close with your parents and you would have nightmares! I swear, Liam!" You said through sobs. "Well of course they would twist that into something worse, (Y/N)!" His voice was now lowering a bit; but his voice was still sharp to your ears.

"Just do it, already." You finally composed yourself to get the words out. "Do what?" His voice was stern and still angry. "Dump me. I know you're going to, just please get it over with." You brush your tears away with your thumbs and rest your head on your knees. "I'm not with you, are you mad!?" He huffs. "I've fucked everything up for you; I don't see why you wouldn't." Your voice is fragmented as you refuse to look up to him.

"You made a mistake," He sighs and walks over to the couch. Kneeling in front of you; pressing his lips to your bare knees. "I'm sorry for yelling." He whispers to you and you wipe your tears with your sleeve. "I'm such an idiot." You growl to yourself. You wish you weren't so hard headed sometimes. If you just would've listened to Liam all of this would never have happened.

"You're not; you didn't know she would influence your words. It was your first interview." He tells you reassuringly but you still feel at fault. Liam pushes your knees apart to see your face flushed as your untidy hair covers your face. He cups your cheeks within his hands "I'm sorry, I won't yell at you like that again." He pecks your lips carefully and you feel relief gust through you.

He pulls away from the kiss abruptly, "But I will have to punish you..." He says cheekily. You raise an eyebrow to him as he picks you up; tossing you over his shoulder. He grips your bum to keep you from falling and you bang your fists lightly on his back; kicking your feet. "Liam!" You giggle.

He brings you to the bedroom and tosses you onto the bed carelessly. "What do you have in mind, Liam?" You look at him curiously. "No questions. Oh, and remember; what I say and do I don't actually mean, don't take what happens in this bedroom today to heart." He winks at you and caresses your lips with his quickly. "Wh-"He cuts you off "Shh!" Liam hisses at you. You nod obligingly and watch him intently.

He strips down to his boxers and removes all of your clothing himself. He tosses everything onto the floor. He orders you to lay flat on your back commanding you to stay still while he goes to fetch something. He returns with a long and thin piece of fabric. You remember not to question him and bite down on your bottom lip.

One Direction ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora