harry-birthday sex

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I woke up with the smell of fresh fruit and pancakes, which I turned around to reveal that the similar frame I was hoping would be there was not, which I thought to myself he is making me birthday breakfast. Today was my 20th birthday, and I was sad in a way because I'm no longer a teenager, but id get to say that I'm an adult. I wasn't wearing any pj's, just my black lace bra and underwear, which I thought id go down to see my loving boyfriend while teasing him. He loved it when I wore black lace lingerie with one of his shirts on, so I decided to throw on his maroon/red coloured chequered shirt, making it drape over my slim frame, gliding down to my thighs, and my ass cheeks were showing at the bottom, it was perfect. I haven't taken Harry in so long because we are both incredibly busy with our singing careers, and I felt like my birthday was a perfect opportunity. I walked over to my mirror to take a look at my reflection, making sure I looked good, so I glided my fingers through my hair, and strutted down the hall into the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to reveal Harry standing at the kitchen table... With the rest of the boys talking, which they heard me walking up, so they turned their attention to me. Niall whistles which Harry gives him a death stare for doing so. "I wished I looked as good as that getting up in the morning" Louis gave a smart remark, with the lads laughing, making my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Sorry guys, I thought it was going to be me and Harry this morning" I said concerned that they're could be a chance that he forgot. "Morning baby" Harry came walking over to me and put his arms around my waist, giving me a kiss. "By the way, you look incredibly sexy in that, it's a shame the lads are here" Harry whispered into my ear. "Yeah, real shame" I said sarcastically, thinking that he was going to come over to me to wish me a happy birthday. I walked out of Harry's embrace smiling at him, just simply because its only the morning and I need to give him time. I had to get breakfast because I had a gig to do and then a photo shoot. "Why are you guys here anyway?" I asked as I went to get some fruit and yogurt with some granola. "Were picking up Harry because we've got a lot of interviews to get through today." "Oh how fun" I responded with a sarcastic tone yet again. I quickly ate and went down into the bedroom to get dressed intohttp://cdni.condenast.co.uk/592x888/k_n/kjenner_gl_2oct12_wen_b.jpg, grabbed my bag and left the bedroom. I walked into the kitchen/living area to get my phone when I felt large hands squeeze my ass cheek. "I just wanna rip that tight dress off you" I heard the low raspy British accent ring through my ears while his hands were roaming my butt and my waist. "Thanks, I gotta go hun or ill be late, bye" I quickly removed his hands from me and I ran out the door without giving him a kiss or saying goodbye to the rest of the gang.


The whole day that I was away from Harry as we were both working, he never sent me a text, no wishing happy birthday, and I was heartbroken. I was getting driven home by my driver, which took me out of my thoughts when he slammed on the breaks. "Hey do you want me to get whiplash?" I asked sarcastically "Sorry Aubrey, your home, relax, and hey, Happy Birthday" "Thanks Tom, seeya tomorrow, night" I got out of the car and was walking up to my door. Something told me he had thrown me a happy birthday party in there because all the lights were off and his car was outside the garage. Something was up, so maybe he didn't forget after all. I hesitated to open the door as I was standing outside it. I slowly put my hand on the door handle and pushed it down, making the door's hinges' move the door inwards. I swung the door open, and turned on the lights to reveal a big fat nothing. No surprise birthday party, no boyfriend standing waiting for my birthday surprise. Nothing. I sighed and slammed the door as I walked into the living area. "Hey love, long day?" Harry came over to me and put his hands on my shoulders massaging them abit. "Yup" I shook his hands off me and I bend down to take off my shoes, and walked straight into the bedroom slamming the door. Of course Harry followed and opened the door to me standing taking off my earrings and head jewellery. "Okay what was that about?" "What was what?" I asked bluntly. "I don't understand why you're being so freaking bitchy to me" He continued, coming over closer to my small frame, making me feel under powered. "Well wouldn't you be bitchy to me if I forgot the most important day to you" "Oh come on, stop being such a drama queen" Harry insulted. "How dare you call me a drama queen, I'm not the one who forgot my 20th birthday, so I'm sooo sorry if I made your 20th birthday special and threw you a surprise party and bought you all different kind of gifts to make you feel special, because at the end of the day you couldn't even care less when my birthday is, don't care about my feelings and never caring about one thing about this relationship to make it work. Its always me that's trying and to be quite honest I'm getting fucking sick and tired of it." Harry froze looking at me while I was crying my eyes out and pouring my heart out to him. "You don't even care to even explain yourself. That just proves my point" I grabbed my high heels and started to walk out into the kitchen. "Where do you think your going" "I'm leaving" I grabbed my car keys when I felt a sudden pressure on my shoulders making me turn around, and the next thing I knew they're was hot moist lips on mine. He suddenly let go of my lips and his eyes where now staring into mine, looking deep into my soul. "You don't think I care? Ill show you how much I care" He grabbed the back of my neck forcing my lips on his again, which he didn't need that much force, and I suddenly gave in letting my own thoughts of what could happen next wonder. His long muscular arms moved lower, making his body dip jut a little, making me the taller one for once. He grabbed my thighs pulling them up, and my natural instinct kicked in, making my legs wrap around his waist, me feeling how aroused he was by the fight.

We went into the kitchen, him setting me on the counter, in a full make out session. His hands were on my hips, while my legs were forcing his hard on to my core, my hands all over his messy curls, me moaning into the kiss. His hands went lower and went under my bodycon dress, him trying to get easier access into my pussy. "As much as I love this on you, it has to go." He whispered, making me obey his rules, and taking it off of me quickly, not wasting any time of what we could do. I felt a sudden wetness between my legs, and I knew I was ready for his longing member. He took of my bra, making my breasts sit prompt freely, him immediately grabbing them, cupping them, and licking the now erect nipple. I moan in pleasure until I had enough. I pushed Harry back, jumped off of the breakfast counter, and turned around, bending over the counter. "Take me Harry, now" He quickly obeyed my rules and took his trousers (pants) off with his underwear, and he slowly put his tip in the folds of my pussy. "Your s wet baby, didn't know I had that affect on you" "You always make me wet baby, god I missed you" That's all he needed to hear and he banged into me so hard not giving me time to adjust to his size, and believe me, when we haven't had sex in months and he is a big boy, you need time adjusting. He was smacking my ass, making me groan in pain and pleasure, also giving me more adrenaline to last longer. "I'm gonna cum baby, keep banging my brains out baby, ohh" I moaned, making him grab my hair, pulling it, making me become even more turned on until I squirted my liquids all over his dick. His trusts were getting sloppier until he quickly pulled out of me, he turned me around and he came all over my face and tits. We both got cleaned up, and we got dressed again. "That was amazinggg" Harry stammered, still in shock of recent events. He came closer to me and put his hands on my waist. "Look babe, I really and truly am sorry for forgetting your birthday because I know you made mine so special, so ima make it up to you." Harry apologised, smirking "No, babe its fine, I'm over it, its only a birthday, I'm gonna have a lot more of them" I looked up to his facial features, taking in how hot my boyfriend actually is, and he is all mine. "I'm taking you to dinner tonight" "Harry no, its fine" "I insist" He argued. "Well, as long as we get dessert afterwards I don't mind" I winked at him, placing my arms around his neck, pulling his face in closer to mine. "Yeah of course, I hear they're chocolate fudge cake is pretty go-" He looked down at me smirking, him only catching onto what I meant about dessert "Oh babe don't worry, you can get dessert all night if you want" He winked in response kissing my forehead as we walked out to get some dinner.

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