Chapter 4: Barrels Down the River

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An orc leaps at Thorin in his barrel, but he manages to kill it with a sword he grabbed earlier. An orc jumps from an overhanging tree branch toward Balin, but Thorin throws his sword and pins the orc to the tree. As the orc drops its weapon, Thorin catches it while going under him, and he throws back to Bombur, who throws it to Nori, who throws it to Fili, who kills an orc with it.

An orc leaps onto Dwalin's barrel, only for Dwalin to headbutt it off and grab its axe. There is a low hanging tree branch stretched across the river in front of them, with a few orcs on it.

"Cut the log!" Thorin says.

As he going under it, Thorin hits it with his sword, then Bofur hits it with his weapon, and Dwalin, right behind him, hits the branch with his axe, breaking it and causing the orcs on it to fall into the river. I manage to climb on top of a barrel.

"Bombur!" Dwalin calls his name and throws his axe to him.

Bombur kills an orc that had just jumped onto his barrel. The Orc's spear ends up pinning it to an overhanging tree branch, the other end of the spear catches onto Bombur's barrel and throws it into the air and onto the side of the river, where the barrel rolls and tramples a lot of orcs. The barrel flips through the air to the other side of the river, where it tramples more orcs. Eventually, the barrel comes to a stop, and orcs surround it. However, Bombur kicks out the bottom, then sticks his arms out holding axes through the sides. He then starts spinning rapidly with the axes extended, hitting down all of the orcs around him. He then runs toward the river, tosses his axe to one of the dwarves, then jumps into an empty barrel.

The Elves have caught up to us. One of the Elves leaps over the river and lands with his feet on the heads of two dwarves, from this vantage point, he starts shooting orcs on both sides of the river. He aims carefully, and manages to skewer two orcs through the head with one arrow. This Elf is very good with a bow. He continues fighting orcs, using the heads of floating dwarves as stepping stones to get across the river. While he is preoccupied fighting an orc, another orc runs up behind him and raises its sword to kill him. Thorin, from his barrel in the river, throws his sword and manages to kill the orc behind the Elf. The Elf stops coming after us as we continue going down the river.

The river has finally calmed down, and we are now paddling along with our hands.

"Anything behind us?" Thorin asks.

"Not that I can see." Balin answers him.

"I think we've outrun the orcs." Bofur mentions.

To which Thorin says, "Not for long, we've lost the current."

"Bombur is half drowned." Dwalin says.

"Make for the shore! Come on, let's go!" Thorin tells us.

We paddle to the side of the river and climb out of the barrels.

"Come on!"

When Kili gets out, he falls to his knees in pain from the arrow wound in his thigh.

"I'm fine, it's nothing."

Thorin tells him, "On your feet."

"Kili's wounded. His leg needs binding." Fili says to Thorin.

"There's an orc pack on our tail, we keep moving."

Balin asks, "To where?"

"To the mountain; we're so close." I tell them

"A lake lies between us and that mountain. We have no way to cross it." Balin says to me.

"So then we go around." I suggest.

"The orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight. We have no weapons to defend ourselves." Dwalin points out.

"Bind his leg, quickly. You have two minutes." Thorin says.

While they bind Kili's leg, some of the dwarves sit down. The dwarves look at something and I turn around to see a man aiming an arrow at Ori. The Dwarves jump up, and Dwalin, holding a branch, leaps in front of Ori. He raises the branch and begins to charge at the man, but the man shoots his arrow and it embeds itself right in the middle of the branch, right between Dwalin's hands. Kili raises a rock to throw, but the man shoots the rock out of his hand too.

"Do it again, and you're dead."


Yay! An update! :D I had soooo much fun writing this chapter, I hope that you guys enjoyed reading this! I should update again within the next few days. :)

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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