#10 Black Vow: Levi X Reader

Start from the beginning

When the angel saw her beloved (f/n),

She knew,

She just knew,

That she can't leave her.

The angel knew that the girl wouldn't feel the same way; she knew that the fates wouldn't allow the love between a human and an angel to happen. For humans were such deprived and stained creatures who are completely deprived of sanity. But in reality, who is really stained? The fallen angel who had fallen for a girl? Or the pure hearted girl who helped the angel regain her sanity?

The angel had followed the girl to town. She should've been overjoyed with the fact that her beloved Magnolia had invited her; but she wasn't. Instead she felt this odd twisted feeling inside of her.


Right before her own eyes, her beloved was with another.

She wasn't surprised by the fact that a lovely person like her beloved (f/n) would have someone she wants to spend her entire life with, someone she wants to grow old with, someone whom she loves; even if this person wasn't her.

But the fact crushed her heart into millions of pieces as if it was made of glass, because glass don't just shatter, they also pierce through things. Only the one she loves can be her assassin, it takes an inside job to cause someone so resilient to emotional injury.

Every second she watched them, she felt more glass shards piercing through her body creating a permanent wound inside of her. Unable to carry any more pain, she left.

Beads of water rolled off her cheeks, wetting it with its moisture.

Angels aren't supposed to cry human tears, but then again she was broken.

When she cried there was rawness to it, the pain was still an open wound. She tried to clasp onto something for support, anything, a street lamp or a wall. Her petite figure was shaking. Her sobs were stifled at first as she attempted to hide her grief before the heavy waves of emotions break her down entirely, all her defenses washed away in those salty tears.

Even if the girl didn't share the same feelings that the angel had towards the girl, even if the fates wouldn't allow it the angel would still do anything for her beloved (f/n); she'd give up her sanity, cut her wings off and surrender herself to the devil if it meant that she could be with her.

So she did.

A black stained bride, who had lost her love,

Devoted herself to the black vow,

Although she had loved someone in the past,

She erased it in order to be with someone else.

On her wedding day, the bride looked as beautiful as ever, her shining (h/c) hair styled in the most elegant up-do, the black wedding dress that was made from the best fabrics and seamstress hugged her curvy figure perfectly and her eyes, her captivating green eyes shone like all the stars in her eyes, imprisoning everyone who looked into them.

Only if her expression was as beautiful as she was.

She knew that she was supposed to feel overjoyed with the fact that she is going to live her life with someone who she loves, but ever since the angel left, she felt that something was missing. There was this sad emptiness inside of her that was there the whole time, yet she hadn't realize it until the angel had gone away.

The old church bells rang out into the darkness, sending a flock of pigeons into disarray cooing and flapping violently away from the aged building. Each slow chime echoed through the cavernous inner all, reverberation off the ancient stone, bouncing between the red velvet lined pew and finally laying to rest upon the altar.

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