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Kellin's  POV
I sighed heavily, snuggling closer to Vic's chest. The sun was almost completely sunken over the horizon and the late spring air was cool against my bare arms. Luckily I had Vic to keep me warm.

"So you said you needed to tell me something?" I asked tentatively, looking up at him. He bit his lip, a habit I had grown familiar with over the past three years we'd been dating. "Kellin? Remember how my mom was sick a while ago?" I nodded, remembering the way his poor mother had been coughing up blood just two weeks ago, before passing out. "Yeah. Did you find out what's wrong with her?" Vic's eyes began to water and he tilted his head to the evening sky, as if trying to hold his tears hostage. "The doctor said she had cancer. Kellin... My mom died yesterday."

"W-what?" I stammered. My anxiety hit the roof as I thought of my future mother in law dead. It only got worse when I felt Vic's quiet sobs. "It was too late, the cancer was already killing her. She was too far gone by the time she was diagnosed." He choked. "It's only been a year," I didn't have to ask to know what he meant: his dad had passed away a year ago, and he took it pretty harshly.

After Victor, Vic's dad, had died in a car crash, Vivian had always said she wanted to go with him. Of course she didn't intentionally off herself, it wasn't that she hated life or had nothing to live for. She just missed her husband. As sad as it was for Vic, his brother Mike, and I, I still held onto that last shred of optimism. At least she got her wish.

I turned around in Vic's lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. I cringed when I felt his cries shake his body, but I still held him, running my fingers through his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ear until he managed to calm down.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, wiping away small tears of my own from my cheeks. Vic shook his head. "No, I am. I should've taken her to the doctor sooner. If I had, maybe we could've saved her." I scowled at him, at the pain and guilt in his beautiful brown eyes. "Baby, it isn't your fault." Vic groaned and fell back in the sand, and I laid over top of him, tracing hearts on his chest.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually Vic drove me home. The car ride was just as silent as it had been when we were lying on the beach, in the exact same spot where he first asked me to be his boyfriend. He parked the car and walked me to my front door, staring at me with an odd, unreadable expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, growing weary of his gaze. Vic grinned at me. "Nothing, Kells. Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early, okay?" I frowned, but nodded anyway. What was wrong with him? Why was he looking at me as if he hadn't just announced that his mother is dead?

"I love you." He said, pulling me to him by the waist and pressing a kiss to my lips. I shook away my worry and kissed him back. "I love you too," I said. He's probably just trying to stay positive. I shouldn't worry so much; it's not like he's planning anything stupid.

Hi guys! I hope this was a decent intro, chapter 1 should be up soon. The whole book is probably going to be Kellin's POV, in case you were wondering. I'm really excited to start another Kellic, I have huge plans for this! I love you all. Until next time~

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