Shadownight buddies

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Laurance: Lucinda and Steaven trained me hard. I kept using my new found power to lift things, see people's worst fear and not turn into a Shadownight. I concentrated on the box in front of me, It was covered in a red glow just like my hands. Up, I thought and the box lifted into the air. Spin, I thought and the box spun. Then I let it fall to the grown but I made it hover right before it hit the ground. Then I softly placed it on the ground. "Good Job Laurance!" Steaven said. Joy filled my heart, Soon I would be able to see Jess again. All of the sudden I remembered. It was only three days until the shard would kill her!! "Laurance? Are you okay? You look a little pale." I heard Lucinda's voice say. I ignored her and concentrated. Where and what was Jess doing? She was just struck by lighting and she shot up. Then I saw squids were attacking all around her and that there was a single cloud above her head. I could fell she was weak and her power was being drained. I came back into reality to hear Steaven say "He's been standing there for five minutes! And he won't respond. Wait he's coming out of it!" I opened my eyes to see Lucinda and Steaven walking around me concerned. "Guys, we need to go help Jess. There under attack and let's say there not winning." I say quickly. Lucinda replied quickly "Okay, I'm not even going to ask how you knew. Let's go!" We telaported almost to their location but it was almost like a barrier was there preventing us from telaporteing farther. I saw Jess yell at a girl "May!" And Jess threw her sword. The girl ducked and dogged the sword. There was a squid archer and he just let an arrow fly at the girl who I am assuming was May. The Arrow had Kyriptonite on the end of it. I lifted my hands and froze the arrow right before it was about to embed itself in her face. I could feel her fear of Kyriptonite and her sudden fatigue. I flung the arrow away and she started to recover. "Good Job Laurance!" Steaven yelled excitedly. I senced the girl was in shock and was worried about her brother. "Get back to fighting! Your brothers fine." I called out to her. She spun around and killed a squid. Lucinda and Steaven worked together to kill about a dozen. Jess was killing squids with a Sky and Sly and was smiling super happy. I could tell she had been worried about me and was glad I was back. I could also tell she had just been in two physical dreams from Loki. I used my new powers to kill some squids that were coming from the south. Everyone was fighting hard when I senced a presence behind us. I spun around to see a Young Man that looked like May but older and a male of corse. He looked bolder but I could imedetly sence her was a Shadownight also. We locked eyes he ran over to me. "So your the other Shadownight I was senceing?" He said as he killed a squid with Lazer vison! "Yes, and does Loki know your a Shadownight or Jess?" I replied as we went back to back killing squids. "Nope, only Sly knows. Why?" He replied. "Let's just say if Jess finds out your a Shadownight Loki will also know. Don't tell her, I can't go near her with out Loki trying to take controle of me." I replied killing another squid. "Okay, So how long have you been a Shadownight?? Laurance right?" He replied. "I've been a Shadownight for about two years. And yes I'm Laurance. Your Alex right? They talked about you in the Neather. Said you had to much loyalty to your old friends and you escaped before they could fully transform you." I replied remembering the story. "Ya, I got trapped down there and Sly, Steaven, Caster, Ect rescued me. I diddent relize until about a mount later when I was searching for Jess that I was one. Then I found my sister May and never returned to the Hall." Alex replied. That's why the girl looked so much like him! Hmmmm,,,,, what's the squids fear? I said "Cover me real quick." Then I concentrated. The squids were afraid of Sky, but more afraid of Loki. but they hated Sky so much that they would fight to the death to kill him and get his amulet which if found out how to activate it would be realy bad. They dident know why it would be bad they just knew. Loki wanted Jess brought back Alive and Sky alive. But Loki had promised they could Kill Sky. But In front of Jess. "Laurance!" I hear faintly from the back of my mind. I snapped out of my trance to see Alex clutching his leg. An arrow was embedded in his leg and I could imedetly tell it had Kyriptonite on the end of it. His face was turning pale. I concentrated on the arrow. The Kyriptonite was sapping his Strenth and powers and would kill him if I dident get it out now. Concentrate, Laurance. I told my self and I used my powers to pull out the arrow. But the Kyriptonite dident come out with it. I concentrated on the Kyriptonite and used my powers to pull it out and seal Alex wound. I now had a arrow head of Kyriptonite in my hand and I concentrated on it. I telaported it far away to the Tula region. I heard Alex gasp for breath. "Thx Laurnace." He whispered befor passing out. I felt light headed as well. That took a heck ton of power. I lifted Alex's passed out body into my arms and yelled to Sly "Sly! Take Alex to safety, I don't hold him much longer." Sly flew over with a hole in his suit and took Alex from my arms. "Good thing you showed up." He said befor flying Alex away into the forest. Then I went back to killing squids.

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