The Scars

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Danielle's POV

The first thing I saw was the large scar that I had never seen before. It went from just below his left eye down to just before his mouth. It was too hard to look at.

"Jayden, what on earth happened to you?" Was all I could say before turning my head so I didn't have to look at it anymore.

"Oh, ummmm..." he stammered while scratching the back of his head and then winced in pain.

"Jayden. Tell. Me. Now" I tried to make it sound strong, but my voice was still very shaky "please"

"Well, how much can you remember?"

"Me and you were..."

"Come what can you remember"

"Me and you were going to play tag..." I dragged out my words as I saw him looking at me strangely "and then I fell off the climbing frame, then you told me that.... that... Jayden I can't remeber. Jayden why can't I remember?"

He's by my side before the first tear can even slip, and is wiping it away.

"Hey. Hey its ok, we're going to get through this" he promises in a soothing tone.

All I can do is sob into his shirt. All I could think about was the scar. All I could hear was his silvery, soothing words falling off his tongue like he's done this before. All I can see is how his golden locks reflect the sun. But nothing mattered in this moment bc all I could feel was how close his body was to mine.

And that's how the next half an hour passed. Me sobbing, and him clinging onto me like I was going to disappear.

I couldn't understand.

"Come on Danielle, its time to go" he shouted in his little voice.

"Yeah, I'm coming I promise" I said in a voice I could barely recognize as my own "why do we have to leave so early?"

"Because the park is the best in the mornings" he replied, the same way he had been for the past ten minutes.

"Well I don't want to go to the park right now"

"Come on, come on, come on" he sang still jumping up and down on my bed, trying to make me come out of it. "Please Danielle I really want to show you something" he said almost in defeat.

"Okay fine, I'm up, I'm up" I said while dragging myself slowly out of bed "have you made my breakfast yet?"

"Yeah I have, but it might be a little cold"

"Why's that?" Why would my hot breakfast be cold?

"Because it took you almost half an hour to get out of bed" He replied in a dah tone "now come on you said you would come" he pouted with his cute 9 year old face.

I've always loved to look at his face, but he would never get to know that. The way that his eyes sparkle in the sun, and his hair glows almost as bright.

"Hey, come on its only going to get colder" he wiened, about what I'm guessing was the food this time.

As we walked down the stairs his long shaggy hair flops about as he jumps down each one.

"So, why are we going to the park so early?"

"Because there's no one there this ealry"

"So why are we going to the park so early?" I repeated.

He let his breath out slowly and replied "Because I want to talk to you where no one else is"

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