Something. . .parts one and two

Start from the beginning

Everything was spinning and I could feel myself teetering and tilting as I struggled to make sense of my swirled sight. It wasn't exactly doing anything to help my stomach either, it was like a roller-coaster after a bucket of donuts. 

My breathing was erratic and fast and my heart was thudding a thousand miles a second. I could feel myself getting light headed, blackness was starting to creep into the corners of my vision and I gasped. A wall spun past and I blindly reached out, desperate for something, anything, to hold on to. My hand hit nothing but air and I fell forwards, hitting my head on something as I went down. The last thing I remember was the agonising pain that shot through my skull and then the blackness completely took over.


I blinked tiredly as I awoke, stretching out my toes and clenching my fists as I yawned. Broad daylight was peeking in through the curtains and I frowned, usually Liam had us up by now, making a racket in the kitchen or yanking the curtains open and blinding us all momentarily. It had to be at least seven by now and Liam was still nowhere in sight. The bus was silent.

I yanked open the curtains and threw my legs over the side of the bed, looking at the bunk opposite mine. Liam's. The curtains were drawn open messily and the duvet was strewn over the mattress in a hazardous mess which was strange because Liam usually made his bed. I peered up above me and wasn't surprised to see Harry's and Louis' curtains still shut. I could actually hear Louis snoring.

I guess I'll take Liam's job this morning then, I'm sure he won't mind, whereever he is.

I grabbed both of there curtains and pulled them back in one swift moment. "G'morning sleepyheads!" I shrieked and Harry squealed in shock. Louis didn't even twitch.

Harry pulled his cover up over his chest, "what are you doing, Ni?"  

I laughed, "hiding your boobies, Hazza?"

He rolled his eyes and dropped the blankets, "shut up."
I laughed again, "help me wake up Lou will ya?"
 "Oh, I'd love to."

He grabbed his pillow and slung it back over his shoulder before swinging his arms forward and hitting Louis in the face. Louis jumped in fright, his eyes popping open and a small sneeze slipping out. I doubled over and burst out laughing, slapping my knees with tears rolling down my face.

"Your face!" Harry blurted in between guffaws and I laughed even harder.

"Where's Liam?"Louis drowsily questioned, slipping out from underneath his duvet.

"I actually don't know, he'll be around somewhere." I shrugged, "I'll go find him."
"We'll help," Harry volunteered and Louis shot him a dramatic glare as he got down from his bunk, making Harry chuckle.
"Speak for yourself, curly, I'm starving." 

 I rolled my eyes and stepped out into the main room.

Immediately my breath caught in my throat and I stopped in my tracks, my eyes trained on the unconscious body on the floor. Harry let out a terrified shriek as Louis came up behind us.

"What the hell are you two playing at n- Holy shit!"

He leaped into action, pushing past the both of us and crouching down beside Liam. I shook away the shock and joined him, my eyes wide. I was yet to blink since seeing Liam all splayed out on the floor.

Liam was pale. Very pale. His mouth was slightly open and even from where I was I could feel the heat coming off him. Something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

"Go tell the driver to go to the hospital," Louis ordered and Harry darted away, moving faster than I've ever seen him in his life. Louis placed a palm on Liam's forehead and cringed. He pulled his hand away and looked at it for a second.

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