The Hunt for the Missing Bag

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I am standing at the desk waiting for the two police officers to come trotting down the steps.

" She said that they will be down any second." The cheetah said while stuffing another donut in his face.

I look down and sigh for Zootopia was not exactly what I hoped it to be.

" You must be the Blandford Fox with the missing bags." A female voice says.

I look up to see a bunny and a too familiar fox looking at me.

" yes that is me... I just arrived here and this wolf came up to me and  asked for food for his family and when I went to give him somethings I looked back to see my bag gone along with the wolf." I say.

" how awful! How about you take us to the scene of the crime." The bunny said.

" of course... Just uh follow me." I say as I walk out the door. The bunny followed and so did the fox.

" it was right here beside this fountain." I stated.

"  we will be right on the case, would you mind telling us what he looked like?" The bunny asked.

" he was tall and very slender, he had a deep monotone voice and blue eyes, his fur  was pitch black." I said. " that was all I remember."

" thank you for the help,my name is officer Judy Hops and this is my partner Nick Wilde." She was saying.

" Or you might know me as picture perfect." Nick says while he Does a cheesy pose and smile.

" So people say, but I would rather find my belongings right now and not talk about your photogenic personality." I say as I cross my arms slightly and look back at the bunny, Judy who let out a light laugh.

" anyways please leave us your number and we will contact you when it is found. Where can we find you?" Judy asked while the fox was still trying to recover mentally.

" um my Apple phone number is @&$&-)@$$@-#*+• and as of right now I have not um found me a place yet." I say while I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.

" oh well hopefully you find someplace soon! We better be off to find that bag thief!" Judy says as she looks at Nick who is staring into open plains leading to nowhere. " come on picture perfect, we have to find this bag." Judy says as she grabs his tie and pulls him along.

I walk the opposite direction to find a place to stay for the night.

On the case:

" That was harassment back there! We can arrest her for harassment to a cop can't we!" Nick says as he is mad about the foxes remark.

" She did not harass you,stop taking things to heart because not everyone is going to like you and you being you, you should understand that." Judy says while looking for the wolf.

" well most people dislike me because I have hustled them." He says.

" focus on the case will you! We still have all day to find this case!" She says as she perks her ears up in excitement with the case.

" yes right" Nick says as he seeks for a wolf.

" okay so she said he ran off in this direction." Judy says as she goes to snoop around the back allyway he had ran down. She is stopped when she sees the alley leads to a two way.

Picture perfect ( Nick Wilde x OC) #wattys2016Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant