The Stay

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I had just arrived to Judy's apartment.

" this is my humble home, make youself feel welcome. Us the tv whenever you would like for I don't mind. Oh! And don't feel like you're intruding because i wanted a roommate!" Judy said with a huge smile as she takes off her bag and gun.

I pick up the tv remote and turn the tv on to see Nick on the news.

" Zootopias most picture perfect fox is at it again with his partner Judy Hopps, they had just in prisoned a man who has been stealing new arrivers bags and useing the items to sell and make a profit! How shameful. We would like to welcome Nick her to tell us about it." The news anchor says.

" well hello there Zootopia, I am here to tell you about the crime fighting case Judy and I had just solved. It all started with a little tiny Fox with gigantic bat ears came rushing into the station. She was practically begging us to find her missing bag that had been ripped from her whittle paws. Of course we could not resist and say no to this adorable little fox so Judy and I being the generous people we are we took the case. Awhile passed and we had gotten no leads until Judy found wolf hair that matched the description and we tested it and the hairs led us straight to the criminal. Once we returned the bag the little fox was practically kissing my feet, well since she couldn't reach my cheeks. It always feels nice to be able to help out fellow citizens of Zootopia." Nick said with a sly smile because he just made half of that up.

"Why is it when people think they are attractive it goes to their heads and become full on jerks!" I ask To myself.

" He has always been that way, the remark you stated earlier about his photogenic personality kinda upset him and when someone makes him upset he is bound to do the same. He is a fox i..." Judy was saying before I cut off.

" I know I know it's in their biology to be sly." I sigh as i turn the Tv off. I open my suit case as I curl up in the warm bed of clothes.

" please don't tell me thats how you slept last night." Judy says as her ears fall.

" Is that bad, I find it comforting to be surrounded by the smell of home." I say with a smile.

" Oh... I guess I understand. Why did you decide to come here and leave home?" Judy asked.

" Um...No reason I was just ready to spread my wings and fly I guess." I say as my words slow down from being sleepy.

Judy lets out a little smile before she whispers " goodnight" to me who was already asleep.

" wait she is actually going to be staying her." Whispered Nick who had come over early to work on a case.

" yes now quite down or her ' bat ears' might hear you and you wouldn't want to wake her." Judy replies.

" So you two watched the news?" Nick replies with a sly smile as he leans against the door with his hands in his pockets.

I slowly woke up to the sound of talking but once I heard bag ears I closed my eyes to pretend I am asleep, I can't help but eve drop.

" Yes we watched it. What was up with all the lies." Judy askes before Nick says.

" its called a Hustle darling. You would think you would learn. And it also makes me more desirable and I really enjoy being desired."

" Well you won't be desired by her but more or less hated my her if you don't stop acting this way." Judy says in a scream whisper.
Nick just stood there in silence shocked with what she said before he replied, widening his grin.

" she is just one tiny fox in the world. I know not everyone is going to like me sooo, it doesn't matter. Now lets get working on this case."

I sat up after he said his last words.

" I need air, it's unbearably hot in here." I say as i rise.

" are you okay? You look sickly?" Judy asked walking closer to me.

" i am fine because it doesn't matter." I go to walk out the door when I pass Nick." Like I." I walk out the door and an instant smile runs across my face. I got him! His face was priceless and his ears! He knew I heard him.

" good job she heard you." I hear Judy say through the door followed by a slight owww.

I laugh lighty as I head out the door for fresh air.

Nick, he is too cocky for his own good and he lets his attractiveness get to his head.

I like him.

Picture perfect ( Nick Wilde x OC) #wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ