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"Why didn't you tell me?" I couldn't look Herb in the eye. I felt like I was under the spotlight. The way he looked at me made me feel so small.

"Because I was afraid you would look at me differently, am I wrong?" I said. He looked at me for 53 seconds and shook his head.

"The only reason I would look at you differently is because of the fact you didn't keep it 3hunna with me ma. I'm pissed it was with him, and I'm pissed you didn't tell me. But over all that, I'm hurt you ain't confide in me like bestfriends are supposed to. Maybe you don't understand the meaning of that word. So ima give you time to think about what would happen if I wasn't there at all." He said.

And with that he shouldered past me roughly and went to class. I stood in the hallway sad, hurt, and with glassy eyes. Alone. The feeling I was trying to avoid all summer. I lost my bestfriend, who had just become my 'boyfriend'. For what? Something I knew he wouldn't judge me on because at the end of the day, its not his place to. As my bestfriend he was supposed to support me in anything or anyone I do. And I knew he would have. Why couldn't I have realized this sooner?


Short but an update. ..... sooo to update faster ima start setting goals.... 10 comments and 10 votes or no update..... it's up to you .... inbox me if needed.

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