"Umm, yes, not a whore."

"I should say not! I was there when you two got married."

"You also know Mary that I am still legally Edwards and not Cooper."

"All I know is that they day you married Dr. Cooper you became Mrs. Cooper to me," Mary said handing Rachel and icepack for her cheek.

"Thank you Mary," Rachel said as she placed it against her face.

"Ray, do you want to file a grievance against Jolene?"

"No." She shook her head.

He walked over to Rachel removing the icepack and taking her face in his hands tilting it to one side to see the red mark that Bowers had left on her cheek. He traced it gently allowing his thumb to move from her cheek to her lips. Rachel recognized the look in his eyes. He was angry but he was also hungry. Remembering they had an audience Rachel shifted attempting to look away but he wouldn't let her.

"Jack," she pleaded. She knew that, as always, if he kissed her she would be gone. She would forget about everyone and everything outside the bubble that was them.

He was angry Rachel could feel it in every line of his body. She didn't doubt that he had heard the end of her and Bower's exchange and he knew that Bowers had slapped her. It hadn't been hard for her to figure out Bowers's jealously and why she was jealous, it probably wouldn't be hard for Jack to figure it out either, and since he couldn't hit her back as he would a man, he was going to do the next best thing and hurt her the only way he could.

Had Rachel not been lost in Jack's gaze, or completely upset that he was being cruel to Bowers, who Rachel still felt bad for having been in the exact position she was; loving Jack and knowing her didn't love her back, she might have realized that Jack's complete need to defend and protect her anyway he could was love.

Jack's gaze moved to her lips and she trembled. He slowly moved in taking her lips with his own. At first it was soft but after one taste of him she was unable to not take more. She was addicted to the man. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands moved to her hair. She was pressed against him and she didn't know who was kissing who, but when they heard someone clear their throat they both froze remembering their audience.

Jack rested his head against Rachel's as he pulled himself together. "Paul would you please escort Jolene to her room and wait for her to gather her belongings.  Then I want you to drive her to the airport and make sure that she catches the next flight home.  I think that would be best in this instance, don't you Jolene?" Jack finally stood away from Rachel and turned to look at Bowers.

"Yes," she said softly, not looking at anyone as she made for the door with Paul on her heels.

After they had gone and the kitchen was silent again Jack turned to Mary. "Thank you for your help Mary."

Mary shook her head.  "I never could figure you two out but when you kiss like that one doesn't need to figure anything out. It's self-explanatory. Now you all need to leave my kitchen so that I can start to get ready for lunch."

"Addie, will you be able to take over Jolene's position today?"

Addie nodded a stunned expression on her face.

"Good," Jack said before he turned and left the cafeteria without saying a word to Rachel.

Rachel sunk on a bench at a table and laid her head on her arms fighting back tears.  She was more confused than ever. How could he want a divorce and kiss her like that?

Addie sat next to her and was silent for a few minutes, allowing Rachel to compose herself.

"I don't know how you didn't lay into her," Addie eventually said.

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