Chapter 13

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It had been five months since Bellerophone had left and Megaera was sad.  She missed his presence.  It had been two months since the powder would have run out and Megaera knew that Isabelle was know wearing the amulet that Bellerophone had given her.  Bellerophone had gotten his wish and Megaera hoped that he was happy.

Megaera had never minded the long years she faced because she knew that she deserved them.  After meeting Bellerophone everything had changed.  Megaera had fallen for the handsome lordling.  Eternity seemed like such a burden now.  The years appeared long and Megaera wasn't looking forward to the long march of years.

Megaera looked out from underneath the shelter of the tree she stood under.  It had been pouring rain for the past week which was odd for the forest, but it had happened before.  The last time had been over fifty years ago.  A cool wind blew the rain underneath the tree causing Megaera to shiver and draw her shawl closer about her shoulders.  Megaera gathered herself and ventured out from underneath the shelter of the tree. 

Her arms were full of roots as she headed towards her small hut.  A sharp clap of thunder made her jump as she ducked into the shelter of her hut.  Megaera dumped the roots on her table and shook her wet hair out of her face.  She turned around and let out a scream as a shadow loomed up in front of her.  Her arm lashed out and the knife she held glinted in the lightning as it founds its mark.  A grunt made her pause and fear struck her heart.


Megaera's voice quivered in fear as she spoke.  Lightning flashed again and lit up person's face.  A gasp escaped from Megaera's mouth as she saw Bellerophone's face.  Megaera rushed forward and her hands fumbled as she searched for his injury.  Bellerophone pushed her away which made Megaera mad.  Her anger dissipated as the flare of a match signaled the lighting of a candle.  Megaera shielded her eyes against the tiny pinprick of light.

Megaera rushed forward.  "Sit down Bellerophone.  Why didn't you let me know that you were here?  I could have killed you."

Bellerophone was quiet as Megaera tended to his injury.  She managed to stab him in the arm so it was only a flesh wound.  The entire time Megaera tended to Bellerophone he stared at her.  It was making Megaera uncomfortable.  Megaera's hands stilled as Bellerophone reached up and touched her face.  She met his gaze with a questioning look.

Bellerophone took a deep shaky breath before he spoke.  "You are even prettier than I remember."

"You're just saying that," Megaera whispered.

"No I'm not.  I'm telling you the truth."

Megaera turned away from Bellerophone.  "I want you to leave.  Isabelle is waiting for you."

Bellerophone stood behind Megaera.  He grabbed Megaera by the arm and turned her around.  He grabbed her by the chin and raised her face so that he could look in her eyes.  Megaera was forced to look in his eyes.  Bellerophone's kind eyes stared deeply down into hers.

"Isabelle and I are no longer.  I realized that I could not buy someones love.  She would never really love me."

"Why me?"

A smile spread across Bellerophone's face making him handsomer.  He reached up and ran his fingers down her cheek in a gentle caress.  "You never judged me.  I have looked past the facade and seen the beauty of your soul.  I love you Megaera and want to stay with you.  Do you accept me?"

Megaera closed her eyes and savored the words.  Light erupted around them as the curse was broken.  The thorns disappeared and roses took over.  The trees blossomed and bloomed.  Darkness fell away and light returned to the forest.  Animals came flocking back.  The hut transformed back into a beautiful castle. 

Bellerophone blinked as the light faded.  His eyes widened as he saw Megaera.  She smiled up at him as she stood on tiptoe to place a soft kiss on hips lips.  Megaera ran a hand through his hair and teased the hair at the nape of his neck. 

"I lied to you Bellerophone and I'm sorry.  I was the Princess of this castle.  All that I told you of the princess was true.    I was cursed for my greed, jealousy, and envy.  The curse would only be broken once someone saw past my ugliness and loved me for who I was.  You broke the curse."

Bellerophone surprised Megaera by kissing her.  He pulled back and gazed lovingly down at her.  "I knew when I met you that there was more to you than what I saw.  I should have trusted my feelings and stayed with you.  I love you Megaera and have since the moment I met you.  Please forgive me."

Megaera threw her arms round Bellerophone and kissed him back.  Megaera took Bellerophone by the hands and led him to one of the terraces that overlooked the forest below.  She swept her hands at the people who were gathering down below.  Cheers drifted up from the people down below. 

"All of this belongs to me and it will belong to you too if you marry me."

Bellerophone seemed stunned at all he saw.  He gave her a smile and kissed her again.  "I would be honored to marry you."

Bellerophone and the HagWhere stories live. Discover now