Chapter 7

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A full lunar cycle had come and gone.  Each and every night Bellerophone shared Megaera's sleeping mat.  He had finally gotten over the repulsiveness he'd always felt laying down next to her.  She was a very peaceful sleeper.  Bellerophone on the other hand rarely slept a full night, but since coming to the forest he'd managed to sleep an entire night which was unusual.

Bellerophone had left at the end of Summer.  The forest didn't show it, but Fall was starting to arrive.  Harvest would be starting soon and if Bellerophone was at home, he'd be going on rotation to the outlying villages to see how they were doing.  This was also the time of the year that Isabelle hated the most.  That had always made Bellerophone sad because Fall was one of his favorite times of the year.

The morning air was crisp and mist settled over everything.  Fog moved gently across the ground and even managed to work it's way into the hut.  Bellerophone woke to feel it's coolness against his skin.  He sat up partway up and looked down at Megaera.  She slept with he back to him.  Bellerophone eased out from underneath the thin blanket they shared.  He stood and stretched.  A shiver raced down Bellerophone's back as he slipped into his shirt.

Bellerophone stuffed his feet into his boots and headed outside to see Erebus.  Erebus was grazing not far away and he nickered when he saw Bellerophone.  Bellerophone walked over to him and began to ran a hand down his slick coat.  Erebus nibbled at his shirt making Bellerophone laugh.  Bellerophone pulled a precious piece of sugar out of a pocket and let Erebus lip it up.  Bellerophone stepped around Erebus and began to brush him with the curry brush he'd grabbed on his way out the door.

"What's his name?"

Bellerphone looked around.  He spotted Megaera standing inside the fence with her hands resting on one of the sharp pieces of broken mirror.  Her hair was pulled back and braided today and she wore her customary rough homespun dress and apron.  Bellerophone turned back to brushing Erebus.  He patted Erebus on the rump before he spoke.

"His name is Erebus."

"What does his name mean?"

"He's the personification of darkness."

"Awe.  It's a powerful name for a powerful beast."

Erebus snorted and tossed his mane.  Megaera hadn't moved from where she stood.  Her fingers gently stroked the sharp surface of the broken mirror.  Bellerophone studied her as he tended to Erebus.  Her gaze was focused on the ground and she appeared to have a faraway look in her eye.

"Why is your fence made of broken mirrors?"

Megaera looked up at him in surprised before she frowned which made her appear even uglier.  "I was vain in my youth.  I was envious of those who I thought were prettier than me.  This is to remind me of what my jealousy and envy caused."

Bellerophone's heart stirred in sympathy for Megaera as he heard the sadness in her voice.  He still couldn't stand the sight of her, but he couldn't help but hear the longing in her voice.  He wandered what she had once looked like or if she had always been this ugly, but had failed to see her own ugliness.

"Did you know the ruling family of this land?"

"Yes, I had a room in the palace."

"What were they like?"

Megaera moved from behind her fence and made her way over to where Bellerophone stood with Erebus.  Her movements were slow and she leaned heavily on her cane.  She moved like the old people that Bellerophone saw back home.  He guessed that the weather was really causing her joints to ache.  Megaera sat down on a fallen tree next to Erebus and held her hand out to him.  Erebus snorted her hand before he snorted and went back to grazing.  Megaera folded her hands over her round stomach before she answered Bellerophone's question.

"The Queen was the most beautiful lady you'd ever seen.  Her hair was as black as night with flecks of silver in it.  It always reminded me of the night sky with it's thousands of stars.  Her eyes was the color of clover and her skin was pale as cream.  She had lips that were quick to smile and her eyes were always laughing.  The King was as handsome as the Queen was beautiful.  He had hair that was a deep red.  His face was covered with freckles.  His blue eyes were surrounded by laugh lines and his mouth was quick to spout a witty remark."

Megaera grew quiet and Bellerophone let her sit quietly.  After a long pause Megaera continued to speak quietly.  "The King and Queen only had one child, a Princess.  The Princess was just a fair and beautiful as her mother.  She had her mother's eyes and her father's red hair.  The Princess was their pride and joy."

"What happened to them?"

Megaera looked Bellerophone in the eye and shrugged.  "They all died.  The kingdom fell apart after they died.  That is why this forest is the way it is.  Things would be different if the Princess was still alive."

A daughter named Megaera. She was beautiful with hair the color of fire and eyes the shade of new leaves. Megaera was fair and loved by all, but she wasn't happy. Her heart was filled with jealousy and greed.

Bellerophone and the Hagحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن