Chapter 23 Never Trust Anyone Ever Again

Start from the beginning

" Well, I didn't want to. I know that I got the best grades out of everyone in this class...but...I mean I gotta a lot to do. I got piano, plus I have to study and other stuff. So I don't have time for myself. Erza got the 2nd best score in this class, so she became class rep. " I explained. 

" Okay. " 

I turned to my left to see Natsu sitting in his desk, sleeping like a pig. I smiled. He's gonna get scolded by Miss.V. For sure! Miss.V walked into the classroom and yelled, " Everyone take your seats, because class is about to start! " She walked infront of the class and then she looked at Natsu who happens to be asleep. 

" ICE PRINCESS, YOUR GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO LUCY!!!!!!!! " Natsu yelled, as he woke up. I wonder what kind of dream is he having right now. And why am I in it?! The class became dead silent. Natsu looked around the class. Everyone was looking at him, well, except for me. 

" Huh? Why is everyone looking at me for? " Natsu asked, confused. No one answered. 

" Natsu, would you like to share what happened in your dream? " Miss.V asked, with sarcasm. 

" Well...that's a secret! " Natsu replied as he smiled. I shaked my head. What's up with him?  

" Fine! Please take out your note books and please copy the things on the board. " Miss.V yelled. 

" Hai! " We all replied.

~Lunch Break~ 

Finally! It's lunch time! I took out my lunch from my lunch bag and I took out my fork. As soon as I was about to eat, Miss.V called me. " Lucy, can you come over here for a second? " I nodded, as I put down my fork and I put back the lid on my bento box/lunch box. I walked over to her. 

" Can you deliver these books, to the Science Prep Room? " She asked me, handing me the books. 

" Hai! " I said, as I took the books. 

" Thank you! " Miss.V said, smiling. I smiled too and said, " No problem! " 

Before I left the class, someone was calling out to me. " Lucy! Wait up! " I turned around, Natsu was standing behind me. I turned to face him. I looked away. 

" Can I talk to you? " He asked me. 

I still didn't give him any eye contact. " ...Were done for...okay...? " I replied, as I walked away. 

I don't wanna see him or speak to him. I just...can't believe that he told Lisanna. I thought that maybe after a few months or so, we can tell our best friends the truth...but...I's too late to say that. I entered the Science Prep Room and I put the books on the desk. I let out a big sigh. I walked over to the window. I looked at the blue bright sky. There weren't many clouds in the sky today and the sun is shining bright as always. I smiled. I miss my mom. If only she was here to see this...on her special day...

Then all of a sudden, I can hear someone close the door and lock it from the outside. I turned around and the door was shut. I ran over to the door, I tried to open it, but it was no use, it was locked (When you lock the outside of the door, it also locks the inside of the door). No way! I'm locked inside the Science Prep Room! I started knocking on the door and I yelled for help. " Someone help me! I'm locked in here! Hello?! Someone please help me! " But it was no one came to help me... What am I gonna do now?! O_O 

- To Be Continued! 

Author's Note

Hey minna! Sophie here! So there you have it, Lucy is in this chapter and there was no Nali in it. I hope you liked this chapter! And I'm guessing that none of you expected that Lucy will be locked in the Science Prep Room, am I right? =)

Here are the people that I wanna thank! XD 












Thanks guys! Your the best! I'm so sorry if I didn't mention your name/username. It's probably because I forgot your username or I'm just really tried. Either way, I am so sorry. Also, if you followed me and I didn't follow you back, then I'm so sorry. I followed up to 1,000 user's/people and now I can't follow anyone, anymore. Sorry. It's my fault for following up to 1,000 user's/people. Well, I guess that's all for today! See ya all in the next chapter! Ja Ne! >.<

- Sophie (Sophie_Otaku123) 


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P.S. Remember her? If so, what's her name and what arc is this from? I know that this is really easy, but please answer it. >.<

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