Also. His face. Goddamnit! Harry did not need to see his face scrunched up.

He doesn't need any thoughts like this. Absolutely not. He has never had thoughts like these about a boy. This is so new to Harry.

'Thank God, his bum is covered by the clothes.' Harry sighs with relief.
He can't handle Louis in his clothes,making pretty noises along with the sinful bum. No. He will have a fucking heart attack.

Harry starts walking towards Louis. He has to help him before the poor boy gets angry. Though that would be a really cute sight.

But Harry cannot let Louis suffer. Whatever Louis says, he is still in pain. So Harry does what he does best.

He goes behind Louis.{A/N: Did You Catch That?! ;) } And then walks his hand up Louis arm and grabs his hand. Louis whips his head around in surprise.

"Oops." Harry says,smiling wide,dimples denting his cheeks.

"Hi." Louis breathes, still shocked and a bit shy of being caught in the act.

"I am s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to-" Louis says frightened. He is anticipating some kind of remark of him being nosy but all he gets is a kiss. On the cheek. But a kiss nonetheless.

Louis is so surprised that his knees almost wobble. He cannot be blamed. Not at all. Since Harry is a charming person. Also not to forget, he was Louis' bully. Until today.

So it's not like you expect your bully to suddenly become your lover. No that just doesn't happen. There is something fishy. But Louis can't pinpoint it yet.

He hopes with all his heart that Harry is not fooling him. He knows that his heart which is full yet empty, can be mended once but cannot be cured twice. Louis is a sensitive person. Screw him.

Harry suddenly stoops down and picks Louis up.

Louis let's out a squeal.

"What?" Harry smiles innocently as he places him gently on the bed.

"You cannot do that! I am too fat. You will have a fracture!" Louis argues. And he is already counting the amount of calories he will consume the next day.

'If Harry will pick me up, might as well make easier for him by not being fat..' Louis thinks, happy that he now has one more reason of not eating.

"Hey! Stop joking. You are as light as a feather Lou! How can anyone get a fracture by picking a feather?" Harry laughs with glee as he thinks Louis is joking.

"Also, you are underestimating my strength." Harry winks suggestively as he bulges his biceps and shows them to Louis proudly.

Louis laughs at this. Like laughs with mirth and pure happiness. And Harry is so enchanted and proud of himself of making Louis laugh that he takes a picture of Louis laughing with his polaroid.

Louis freezes when he hears a shutter.
No. No. This cannot happen. Absolutely not. No. No. Never again. Louis thinks over and over about that.

Harry notices Louis being quiet and immediately rushes to apologise. He sits beside Louis and tries explaining.

"I'm sorry. I should have asked before-" Harry is cut off with a tight slap to his face.

Harry immediately looks at Louis who is now moving away while shaking his head.

"I am s-sorry! I d-didn't mean to sl-slap yo-you!" Louis says with his head buried between his knees.

What was that? Why did a picture being taken make Louis slap him? Harry tries to reason out. But he has no clue,whatsoever.

'I will get to the depth of this.' Harry thinks as he crawls slowly to where Louis is sitting in a corner.


Hey amazing people!

So. Cliffhanger AGAIN. 😂😂

A penny for your thoughts?

Please tell me what you think!

How was the chapter?





And stay beautiful!

All the love, as always.

Yours sincerely,

LarryHaveBabies xx.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now