Part Two

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Meulin sat down in Kurloz's lap, as he wrapped his arms around her. She looked down at his screen to find at least a bajillion tabs open. The one tab he was mostly on was Tumblr. He scrolled through a bunch of gory pictures that have something to do with blood and skulls. Meulin quickly turned on her phone, trying to make sure she doesn't traumatize herself. Every now and then, Meulin would look down at Kurloz's screen to see what he was doing. Sometimes she'd catch him looking at creepy mimes. Meulin shook off every odd thing Kurloz did and went back to her phone. Sh went onto her own Tumblr, looking at cute pivtures, videos, and gifs of cats and kittens. Soon, Meulin went on to YouTube. In the middle of "The Kitty Cat Dance", Meulin received a text from Porrim.
"so+ yo+u're spending the weekend at the Makara's, huh?" 
"=(^.^)= YES I AM"
"Of all the guys I slept with, he pro+bably had the biggest bulge. Bigger than Zahhak's, even."
Meulin stared at this text for a long time, a look of disgust on her face. Slowly, she replied. "/(=0.0)\  WAIT, WHAT?"
It didn't take long at all for Porrim to reply, of course. "Oh c+ome o+n, Meulin. Do+n't play dumb with me, I fucked yo+u to+o+." "/(=>.>)\ I KNOW, BUT WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?" "What I am trying to+ say, is that yo+u sho+uld really enjo+y yo+ur night to+night." Meulin shuddered and turned off her phone. She closed her eyes tight and shook her head, trying to forget every word Porrim just said. She wasn't ready for anything like that, and she doubted that Kurloz would force anything on her. Okay, he would, but she didn't think he would with anything like that.

Kurloz's arm movement from his typing became slower. It slowed down to a stop. Meulin opened one eye. she turned her head to her left to see Kurloz looking curiously at her. She closed her eye again and gave Kurloz a perky smile. When she opened her eyes again, Kurloz was smiling as much as he could back to her (since his mouth was sewed so tight). Kurloz jumped slightly and looked down at Meulin's phone. Naturally, Meulin hadn't heard the bloop. She looked down to see another message from Porrim: a winky face. Meulin facepalmed and shook her head. Kurloz used his chucklevoodoo on Meulin, and her head shot up, eyes wide open and flashing purple. "MEULIN, WHY DID PORRIM SEND YOU A WINKY FACE?" "UHMM..WE WERE HAVING A CONVERSATION. I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE SENT THAT FACE." "DON'T LIE TO ME, MEULIN. IF YOU HADN'T KNOWN WHY SHE SENT THE FACE, THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE FACEPALMED. YOU WOULD HAVE QUESTIONED THE FACE. NOW, TELL ME THE TRUTH." "SHE BROUGHT UP THE FACT THAT I WAS AT YOUR HIVE FOR THE WEEKEND." "AND?" "AND...SHE DID MENTION WHEN YOU TWO FILLED BUCKETS." Kurloz fell silent for a moment. If purple wasn't blocking her eyes, Meulin would have been looking around awkwardly. "WHAT DID SHE SAY?" Kurloz asked. "SHE...SHE TALKED ABOUT YOUR BULGE SIZE, AND HOW IT WAS BIGGER THAN HORUSS'. SHE ALSO ADDED THAT I...THAT I UM, I SHOULD BE ENJOYING MY NIGHT TONIGHT." Kurloz smirked, and Meulin heard his chuckle inside her head. Kurloz quit the voodoo, and Meulin's head drooped. She looked down at her lap, embarrassed. Kurloz gave Meulin a gentle kiss on the cheek and continued with his social networking. 

An hour later, Kurloz stretched and turned off his computer. Meulin's had fallen asleep on Kurloz's chest. Kurloz leaned towards his bedside lamp, careful to not yet wake Meulin. He pulled the beaded string and light splashed the room. Kurloz blinked, adjusting to the brightness. He looked down at Meulin and smiled. I gently shoved her, now trying to wake her. Meulin let out a small, sleepy moan. She rubbed her nose, and slowly opened her eyes. She jumped, startled by the new light filling the room. She looked up curiously at Kurloz. He lifted his hands and signed to her, "It's time to get ready for bed."  She nodded and sat up, now rubbing her eyes. Kurloz hopped off his bed and walked towards his dresser. Meulin slowly stood from the bed, and walked to her bag. Kurloz pulled out one of his millions of pairs of purple boxers. He looked down at Meulin, who was rummaging through her bag for her clothes. He stood there, waiting. Waiting for her to ask him where the bathroom was. Sure enough, she stood up, pajamas in hand, and asked, "Where's could I find the restroom?" Kurloz walked past her, into the hall, and showed her the bathroom door. "Thank you." Meulin said before she entered the bathroom. Kurloz walked back to his room, dressed down, and changed into just his boxers. He threw the clothes he was no longer wearing into a growing pile of dirty laundry. Meulin walked back into Kurloz's room. Kurloz turned to look at her, and smiled at how adorable she looked. He also tried to control himself, as if erections could be so easily controlled. Meulin blushed, and closed the door behind herself. She leaned against the door, waiting for an approval from Kurloz to go over to his bed. She stood there, in her lime green see-through nightgown, fuzzy black kitty slippers that had a pink face and ears, with blue eyes. On her head she wore a felt black cat sleeping mask that had green, embroidered eyes. Kurloz climbed into bed. He looked at Meulin and patted the space next to him, inviting Meulin to join him. Meulin made her way towards Kurloz and climbed into his bed. Kurloz leaned over Meulin and turned off his lamp. He lied back down and spooned Meulin. 

Meulin's Pajamas:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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