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"Ariel," a soft voice, barely a whisper, roused me from my sleep. I looked around and saw no one. It must have been just my imagination. I rolled over and closed my eyes when it came again, far away and faint.


Cautiously, I climbed to my feet. I brushed a strand of hair out of my face and peered over our silent camp. The Hobbits laid asleep, all piled on top of one another and snoring peacefully. Legolas was curled into a tiny ball with one hand gripping his beloved bow tightly. Gimli murmured something about mutton and Aragorn and Boromir were both sitting straight up, propped against a tree in their failed attempted to stay awake. Their heads lolled to the side, leaning against the other man.


It seemed to be coming from right behind me, like a sinister whisper in my ear. I whipped around and lashed out with my blade, but there was no one there. My breath was coming quickly now, my pulse had sped up and I was beginning to panic.

I heard the voice again, beckoning me this time. "Come.."

My feet began to move on their own accord, carrying me through the dark. I could just barely see, the space around me glowing with dim starlight. My sword cast an eerie glow as it reflected the white light.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously as I crept through a sort of tunnel. I wasn't sure how I'd gotten there, or how I knew where to go, but it seemed that something was guiding me.

I was surprised when the tunnel opened up and revealed a small courtyard. There, upon a pedestal, sat a small basin. I took a cautious step towards it when a soft voice, the voice I'd been hearing in my head, sounded from the opposite side of the courtyard.

"I was expecting young Frodo."

"I should have known it was you." I turned my eyes to Galadriel slowly. She seemed to float towards me with deliberate steps, white gown trailing effortlessly behind her. "Good evening, Your Highness."

"And to you, Durin's Daughter." She picked up a simple silver pitcher, moving ever closer to the basin.

I nodded to it, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What's in it?" I asked her.

Galadriel began to pour water into the thing. She smiled something that might have looked playful, but all I saw was.. Malice.

"Take a look."

I shook my head. "Fine where I am, thanks."

She flicked her eyes up to mine, voice much harder than before. "I was not asking, Durin's Daughter."

I set my jaw and stepped forward. When I looked over the stone edge, it was just water. Then, after a moment, images seemed to flash on the surface.

Boromir stumbled back as a third arrow pierced his chest. Pip and Merry stood behind him, tears in their eyes. They looked terrified as the man sank to his knees, sword still clutched in his gloved hand.

It changed.

I was standing back to back with Legolas as we slashed through wave after wave of Orcs. He was screaming something that I couldn't hear and in the distance, Haldir stood with an arrow shaft sticking out of his stomach- and then Legolas was grabbing my shoulder and pulling me along with him.

Lady of the RingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin