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I had dealt with the elves of the Wood before. They dwelled deep within the forest, keeping mostly to themselves. Like all elves, they were immortal, wise, and fair. However, while the elves of Mirkwood often celebrated and partied, I had never once met an elf in Lothlórien that was concerned with anything other than duty.

Haldir and his troops led us back to the center of their kingdom, where the Lady of the Wood would most definitely want to speak to Frodo. Elves of every kingdom loved nature and the forest, and this was especially evident in the way they built their lives around the trees. Spiraling staircases glistened as we walked up and up and up, to the very tops of the trees, where the elves actually lived.

Gimli and the hobbits panted behind me, unused to the amount of physical exertion as the air began to grow thin.

"Elves," Gimli gasped. "Why can't they just live on the ground like everyone else?"

Soon enough, we reached out destination. Standing before us, bathed in the crystal light, was a beautiful queen draped in what seemed to starlight. Galadriel. She studied the fellowship carefully as she floated gracefully down the stairs to stand in front of us. I looked around and saw the hobbits with their jaws dropped. Even Gimli was having trouble looking away.

Aragorn bowed his head, desperate not to meet her eyes. I knew his reason. The Lady would see into his very soul, see all of his thoughts and ideas. I shivered, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

"Nine are here, yet ten set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him." Said the elf standing next to Galadriel.

I swallowed and forced myself to keep looking forward. From the corner of my eye, I saw Aragorn pick up his head. His eyes met Galadriel's and her beautiful face fell.

"He has fallen into Shadow." Her voice smooth and melodic, something it seemed like you could fall into. "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all."

She turned and her eyes collided with mine before I could look away. I hated the chill it gave, the way I could almost feel her digging around in my mind for whatever would satisfy her curiosity. A few things flashed before my eyes as she uprooted and discarded my memories to her satisfaction. I saw the council at Rivendell, Gandalf battling the Balrog, and split second of my dream.

Ariel, Daughter of Thorin. Her voice rang in my mind, smooth and clear. We meet again.

I looked away quickly, diverting my gaze to my boots.

"Yet hope remains while the Company is true." Galadriel assured us. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest, for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight, you will sleep well."


We made our camp back on the forest floor, where I think we all felt more comfortable. I moved stiffly in my new clothes from the elves, but I was grateful none-the-less. Warm pants, a tunic, and durable boots were among the simplest gifts I was given. Aside from that, I had been granted a new quiver of arrows and a silky undershirt that felt more valuable than anything I'd worn in the past twenty years.

From all around us came the sounds of a tragic song. The elves sang for the fallen Wizard.

"A lament for Gandalf." Legolas said sadly, voicing my thoughts. He met my eyes, for we both heard the heartbreak of the elves.

"What do they say about him?" Merry asked.

Legolas shook his head. "I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near."

I stood quickly and moved to Boromir, who had looked shaken ever since our encounter with Galadriel. I had no doubt she'd unnerved him more than he thought she would.

"Take rest, Boromir." I said softly, placing a comforting hand between his shoulder blades. "These borders are protected."

He shook his head too quickly. "I will find no rest here."

I looked up and met Aragorn's eyes. He had been overlooking Lorien, and now stepped closer to Boromir and I.

"I heard her voice inside my head." Boromir whispered. "She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor. She said to me, 'Even now there is hope left.' But I cannot see it. It is long since we had any hope."

I rubbed his back soothingly as Boromir placed his head in his hands.

Aragorn nodded at me and I knew what he meant. I stood and withdrew my touch from Boromir, making my way back to Legolas. I cast a glance over my shoulder and saw the two men speaking quietly, Aragorn planted next to Boromir.

"They still sing." Legolas said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Gandalf was very dear to them, as he was to us." I said.

He bumped my side lightly and I looked up to meet his eyes. In the milky light of Lorien, his blue eyes seemed more intense than ever. I bumped him back playfully and his hard set mouth broke into a grin.

"I'm starting to get worried." I confessed after a moment of silence. "About this quest."

Legolas just looked at me, which I took as an invitation to continue.

"Galadriel said this quest stands on the edge of a knife. She's right. What if we fail? We've.. We've all lost so much. I can't bear to think what will happen if we fail. Not just to us, but to everyone in Middle-earth." I frowned and wrapped my arms around myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and found Legolas gazing down at me warmly. "We just have to take it one step at a time. Tonight, we're here. Tonight, we're fine. We'll see what comes tomorrow and I'll.. I'll protect you. No matter what happens."

I sighed and leaned into him. He put an arm around my shoulder and hugged me to his side.

"When did you get so sweet on me, Elfie?" I asked teasingly.

He just laughed. "Thats what best friends are for. Shorty."

"Shut up." I grumbled, but I was smiling.


Hello, friends. Happy Easter to those of you that celebrate it! For those of you that don't, I hope you had a lovely Sunday.

Since my last update, a lot in my life has.. changed? I won't bore you with the details, but there have been some significant moments. Some have been bad, some have been pretty good, but I needed a bit of time to just get myself together.

Another thing I needed was some cheering up, so I wrote some Ariel/Legolas, as that never fails to make me smile. I'm a bit busy in these next few months, so you all will probably have to bear with me through a very patchy update schedule. Thanks as always for reading!


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