17. Pathetic Insults

Start from the beginning

     "So it wasn't rude when you guys were talking about me behind my back?" I shot back, taking a seat in front of Robbie, with Gideon to my left and Dipper to my right. That shut them up.

     I shoved mouthfuls of pancakes into my mouth, my eyes closing at how great it was. I was done with the pancake, as I took the last bite.

     "It's alright guys," shrugged Dipper, an evil glint in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, suddenly regretting eating that gorgeous pancake.

     "What did you do, Gleeful?" I said, after I was done chewing, swallowing.

     "I put my spit into it, but it's alright," he said, flashing me a lopsided smirk as he winked at me. I almost choked but he leaned into my face and whispered, "But, you know, it's not like we haven't exchanged spit either."

     That's it. This little buffoon think he's so smart. I almost died at that comment.

     "Why is Gleeful even here?" I said, ignoring his comment, even if I was blushing a furious red and I was having a hard time swallowing the pancakes. 

     It was like my throat was parched, like the Sahara Desert. I turned to look at a full out grinning Gideon and a wanna-be poker face Robbie.

     "Well, he brought you back last night, saying you tripped over some rock and hit your head and fell asleep. He also said you kept saying 'Dipper, my one and only, save me!' repeatedly," rambled Gideon in one breath.

     "Do you actually think I'd say that?" I asked incredulously, my mouth agape.

     "Actually, now that I think about it..."



     "Are you serious, guys?" I said in an exasperated tone. I got up and grabbed the plate, putting it into the dishwasher. I heard the door open, only to see a flustered Wendy. And let me tell you, it was a sight.

     Her usually perfect hair that flowed behind her now represented a poorly made nest, and her eyes had a frantic look in them. Her eyes glanced nervously around the room, bouncing from one and another until they stopped at Robbie.

     "Robbie," she breathed out, walking towards him and grabbing him. She dragged him to the door and shut it close.

      "Well then," whistled Gideon, "I'll best be off to my date," nodded Gideon, looking at his watch. He walked towards the door, but turned his head around, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Paz!" he said with a cheeky grin.

     "That little - " I lunged at the door, only to have it closed in my face. "Ugh!"

     "You know -" started Dipper but I cut him off.

     "Happy that they're wrapped around your finger?" I snapped at him. He looked at me with a surprised face, and I swear I saw concern in his eyes but I ignored it.

     "You alright, Pacifica?" he said in a soft tone, raising an eyebrow as he stood up and walked up to. He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at me. I felt my heart flutter when he said my name, and it sounded perfect.

     But of course, even if he did say my name, it didn't help me from exploding.

     "I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much. I love having a murderer on my tail, and I absolutely adore it when they're plan is going their way," I grumbled, loud enough for him to hear me.

     "Oh, so now I'm the bad guy?" he scoffed.

     "Weren't you always?" I retorted. But I regretted it immediately. I saw hurt flash across his eyes but he hardened them. "I'm so so sorry, I really am, I didn't mean it," I said, putting a hand over my mouth.

     "You're right. I was always the bad guy," he said in a grim tone. All playfulness was gone and now he was in a sour and serious mood. 

     He was about to turn around and walk to the door when I decided I should swallow my pride and try to make things better before they take a turn for the worst.

     "Look, Dipper, I'm really really sorry, okay? I'm just feeling really messed up," I said, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He turned immediately and looked at me with an intense gaze.

     "Is Pines giving me an apology? Should I record this? Oh my God, this is priceless, why don't you buck up your tiny little pride and say sorry more often," said Dipper, breaking out into a brilliant grin.

     Which left me utterly breathless.

     But also made me think, is he bipolar? Or really moody?

     "Go die, Gleeful."

     "Only for you," he winked at me, which just left me even more flustered then before.

Published: Apr 12, 2016 | Reads: 2.9k | Goal: 3.1k

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