Chapter 23: Forgiveness

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Yuteela was staring Chihiro down. She was still so full of anger, and it was still directed at Chihiro. No, that wasn't exactly true. Her anger was directed at those that destroyed her forest; she was merely taking her anger out on Chihiro since she was the closest Yuteela could get to the ones that truly wronged her.

For years, Yuteela had wanted revenge, her anger building up as she allowed it to consume her. But she had been saving her rage to take out on the humans, and now it was exploding out all at once. Years of built up fury was finally coming out, and Chihiro happened to be the unlucky one it was being unleashed on.

"Leave me alone, Yuteela!" Chihiro shouted.

"No, not until I've had my revenge!" the forest spirit snapped. "Not until justice is served!"

"What justice?" Chihiro bellowed. "I have done nothing! I did not tear down your forest!"

"But you would have! You're just like the others! Selfish and coldhearted! You'd jump at the chance to kill me!"

Chihiro didn't back down. She felt more sure of herself, more confident and understanding. A result of her transformation? Perhaps. But she was not going to be blamed for what other people did.

"You have no right to make that claim!" she cried. "You don't know me! You can't judge me like that!"


Yuteela pounced, diving at Chihiro with her fangs exposed. Chihiro's first instinct was to run, that is, until a new one took over. An instinct to defend herself; to use her new powers. Thanks to the knowledge given to her by the spirit of life, several spells flew through her mind.

Chihiro raised her hand with her index and thumb fingertips pressed together. She made a quick movement with her hand and Yuteela changed from a giant spider-like creature to a small white cat, crashing to the ground by Chihiro's feet.

Chihiro's eyes widened as she stared down at the cat that was Yuteela in disbelief. 'Did I do that?' she thought in amazement.

The cat blinked in confusion, not quite understanding what had happened. She looked up at Chihiro and her eyes widened. Yuteela hissed in fright and retreated back several feet where she proceeded to hiss and claw the air.

Chihiro opened her mouth to say something, but No-Face suddenly rushed forward, seizing Yuteela by her tail.

"No-Face!" Chihiro cried. The monster ignored her as he opened his mouth and dropped the squealing cat inside. "No-Face, don't! Stop!"

No-Face turned to her, grunting with his mouth full. Yuteela's cattail thrashed around wildly between his lips as she screeched loudly from inside No-Face's mouth.

Chihiro held out her and, silently asking for the cat. No-Face shook his head in objection. Chihiro narrowed her eyes. "No-Face, give me." The monster shook his head again. "Now, No-Face."

No-Face frowned but did as he was told. He turned away and spat Yuteela out, making sure to cover her in as much spit as possible. Yuteela made a disgusted noise at being covered in the monster's drool. She shook herself dry and turned to Chihiro looking confused.

Chihiro motioned for No-Face to step back as she knelt down by the cat. "Now if you promise to behave, I'll change you back. Or I could just leave now and you'll be stuck like this until the spell wears off. It's up to you. Will you behave?"

Yuteela looked irritated, or as irritated as a cat could look, by being bossed around, but she nodded in agreement, wanting to get out of this cat body.

Chihiro smiled and stood up. She searched through the knowledge the spirit of life granted her and removed the spell. The small white cat immediately changed back into Yuteela's humanoid form. She growled in annoyance as she shook the remainder of No-Face's slobber off before turning all four eyes back on Chihiro.

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