Chapter 1: Such A Jerk!

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Rose POV





"Agh." I groaned as I heard the annoying sound of my alarm clock going off. I reached out and turned it off.

'Ah, first day of school.' I thought to myself as I got out of bed and went to my unsuited bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a long shower and after I am done I rap a towel around my body and go to my walk-in closet to find something to wear.

I decided on something simple a black jean and a checked shirt with some red flat sandals.

I took my clothes to my bathroom and put them on then I went to my makeup table. I applied a little bit of eyeliner and a lipgloss. I then put my hair in a quick easy bun. After I was done I look at the clock and it read 7:30 am.

'Damn! I only have 30 minutes left.' I thought to myself as I rushed downstairs to eat breakfast. I found Aunt Lily at the table already eating her breakfast. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Aunty." I said to her while taking my plate of pancakes and sitting down next to her.

"Good morning darling. Are you off to school?"

"Yep." I said while chewing on my pancakes.

"Ok, see you later then darling and good luck on your first day." she said while getting up and kissing me on my forehead and taking her plate to the kitchen.

"I will need it." I shouted as I stood up and took my plate to the kitchen as well. I looked at my Richard Mille Caliber RM 019 Celtic Knot Tourbillon Watch which shows that it is 7:38. I love my watch so much, my father gave it to me this year at new year and I loved it ever since.

I walked to the entrance of the house and took my back bag and went to the garage to see my baby( yes I call my car 'baby'). I think my car is the best present my mother ever gave me. It is a white Lamborghini aventador and it is gorgeous but I can't drive it just yet since I don't have my license yet but I will soon.

Instead I go to the Mercedes Benz SUV and got in. My driver Miles was already in waiting for me.

"Good morning Rose." Miles greeted, smiling at me.

I returned the smile. "Good morning Miles." I greeted back. " Miles could you kind of hurry up today, I am kind of late." I asked

"Of course." he replied.

It is actually a 15 minute drive to the school and the last time I checked my watch there was only 22 minutes.

I took out my iPod and earphones and listened to some music.

After ten minutes we arrived and I said goodbye to Miles while getting out of the car.

As I was walking to the entrance doors of the school I could feel people looking at me. I don't blame them I am new so the might be thinking 'Who is the new girl?'

I walked to the double doors and pushed one of them and went inside the crowded hallway. I went to the administration office to get my schedule.

I found a lady in her late 30's with quit a lot of makeup if I may say. I rang the bell on the desk and she looked up with a fake smile. I smiled sweetly at her.

"What can I do for you?" She asked lazily.

"I am new here and I would like my schedule please."


"Rosemary Jules Clark."

"Here you go" she said giving me my schedule, a map of the school, my locker number and combination. "Welcome to Jackson High School."

"Thank you." I said

I looked at my schedule and I was having math. Yay! I loved math. I took out my map and tried to find the math class. It took me about a minute to find it on the map. It was on the second floor.

I went to the  flight of stairs until I reached the class. As I looked at my watch there was only 5 minutes to 8:20 am. I looked into the class only to find a few students in there. I went in and took a seat at the back.

After 5 minutes the bell rang and students started to come into class. Some gave me confused glances while others didn't even notice me.

The teacher came in and wrote her name on the board. 'Mrs Willson' I read. "Morning class, I believe you are all good. My name is Mrs Willson and I will be your math teacher." she said in a cherry voice. " I believe we have a new student here. Can you please stand and introduce yourself?"

I stood up and smiled." My name is Rosemary Clark and I am 15 years old"

"You skipped a grade?" One of a the students shouts."

"Yes." I answered.

"That's very impressive Ms Clark. You may sit down now."

The period went on with her calling out all the names to see if everyone is present. The bell rang and I went to my next period which is ART! My favorite subject.

I went inside and I sat next to a pretty blond girl. She faced me and smiled " Hey! I am Luciana but you can call me Lucy." she said holding out her hand for me to shake.

I smiled and shook her hand " I am Rosemary but you can call me Rose." I say.

"You are new, right?" Lucy asked me while she was taking out her paintbrushes from a bag.

"Yeah, is it that obvious?"

"News travels fast. You are the youngest junior here, so it is quit easy to spot you out."

Just after she said that the teacher came in and told us to draw or paint whatever we felt like and the due date would be next week Monday.

The time went past and it was already lunch time. Lucy invited me to come sit with her and her friends so I agreed.

As I was walking down the hallway, I got a text from my mother as I was about to reply I bumped into a wall and fell down. As I am rubbing my sore forehead I realize that I bump into a person and not a wall because walls don't move. As I looked up my eyes met a pair of blue eyes looking back at me.

"I'm sorry." I mumble as I looked away and took my phone which is thankfully not broken.

The boy in front of me looked at me properly as if trying to figure me out.

"Whatever, next time you should watch where you are going." he said as he was going.

I was stunned at his rudeness for a moment until I regain myself and was about to give him a comeback but when I turned around he was nowhere to be seen.

'Such a Jerk' I thought to myself as I walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria.


Thank you for reading!!! Rose's outfit on top


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