"Are you sure you aren't weak in the knees for me?" He teases and I feel my face get more heated.

"Positive!" I say too quickly.

"What about the time I made you cum so hard in the shower that you fell over?"

"That doesn't count!" I huff, finishing my cleaning. "Let's go, smart ass." I grumble, stomping towards the door.

Gray spends breakfast teasing me and trying to make me blush. I take deep breaths and make it look like it doesn't bug me. Despite my arguments, he pays for my meal and we go our separate ways. When did we start buying each other's food all the time? I guess it started on that train ride... Whatever.

I plug my headphones in and jog to a side road, waiting until I find my favourite off-road trail before breaking into a full out sprint. I've always loved running. The wind on my face, in my hair. The smells of nature. The freedom to think. Although the freedom to think is proving to be a hassle today as my thoughts keep drifting back to a certain dark-haired mage. His stupid words keep bouncing around in my head.

"You're the best."

"You're a freaking goddess and should be treated as such!"

"You love me, don't you?"

I shake my head and try to think about something else.

"You're not an ordinary girl. You're special and... you deserve someone equally great."

That dumb ass. He IS great. Wait, no! That isn't what he meant when he said that and just... Ugh! "Fuck!" I scream. Frustrated after two hours of not being able to get Gray or his words out of my head. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I bellow again, coming to the clearing the signals the end of my run.

"You deserve someone who gives you the world. Or at least tries to."

Goddamn it! I have to think about something else. "Ice dragon talon!" I scream, kicking a boulder and destroying it. I was hoping that would calm me down. It didn't. "Ugh!" I turn and find another giant rock. "Ice make lance!" The rock is impaled in several places, and my anger lets a continuous flow of my attack keep going. The boulder eventually bursts and small chunks of rock go flying everywhere.

I stand there with my hands on my knees, gasping for air. "That was impressive. I didn't know you could use ice make magic." A familiar voice comes in clear, even with my headphones in. I pull them out and look to my left. Sting. "You seem pissed off."

"It's nothing."

"Is it? I don't usually scream 'fuck' several times at the top of my lungs and destroy rocks three times my size over nothing."

"I was just a little frustrated. I feel better now after..."

"After destroying a couple things? You and Salamander aren't best friends without reason, huh?"

I think about it for a second and laugh. "You're right." He pats the area on the waist high rock wall beside him. I take his invitation and sit down.

"Who taught you ice make magic?"

"Gray's teaching me. He's shown me a couple defensive spells. I figured that one out on my own."

"That's impressive."

"Once he told me how to get my timing down, it's a matter of remembering the proper stance. I've seen Gray use that spell dozens of times so I know what it looks like."

"Is anger a good motivator for you too?"

I chuckle, remembering my training with my father. "Yeah. When I was young and couldn't nail a spell Adrastos was trying to teach me I'd get pretty mad. I'd try it again, just once more in a fit of rage and it would usually work. I guess that learning technique still works for me today."

(A lemon book) Gray x Reader x Sting x Natsu Dragon Slayer Mating Season!Where stories live. Discover now