"And bracelets," Dom stepped closer, too.

"And make up, too!" My hand shot up in the air and I jumped up and down.

"That's what Mione does when she wants to get called on." Harry stated.

"Haha. Ladies... Attack." I helped Roxy choose a pair of high heels. They were like the top of Harry's dress. They were two and a half inches tall and on a very skinny peg. We put those on him. We won't make him stand up now. Rose, Lucy, and Dom worked on choosing jewelry while the rest of them worked on his makeup. Since I know just about nothing about makeup, I decided to give Harry temporary hair extensions. I waved my wand and his hair was down to his waist. I brushed and braided it Katniss style.

When I was done with the hair, the girls were just finishing makeup. They had purposely overdone it and caked it on. It was hilarious. He had so much eye shadow on! They filled in his eyebrows and put thick mascara on him. I'm sure he hated it. We spun him around to the mirror. As he was studying himself with a disgusted face, he didn't notice that we were taking out cameras.

"Harry! Smile!" He spun around. Once he looked at us, we snapped the picture. He turned away from the camera as soon as he realized what was happening.

"Come on, let's go downstairs." I sighed.

"Ooh! Maybe we could do a fashion runway thing!!" Roxy exclaimed.

"Ooh! Yeah! I'll go down there and introduce him. I'll give you a signal when I'm ready." I said and bounced down the stairs to the common room. I stopped when I heard voices.

"Bro, you have to ask her out." That was Fred.

"I know." That was James.

I felt my heart shatter a bit. If I have to see James snogging one more girl, I don't know what I'd do. There's no way that it's me that they're talking about. I'm just... well... me. I felt tears form in my eyes and sat down on the step. I put my face in my hands.

No, I thought. You are Rachel Longbottom. You will not cry over a guy. You are stronger than that. Game face.

I picked myself up, wiped away the tears, and plastered a fake smile across my face. I stepped down off the bottom step and cleared my throat to get the boys' attention. They turned their heads my way.

"Introducing... Harriettta Potter!!" I gave Roxy a signal and then did jazz hands. Their gaze went up the staircase to where Harry was walking down, surrounded by the girls, who were all trying to teach him how to walk in heels. I watched as Harry twisted his ankles over... and over.

The boys were howling with laughter by now. They held their stomachs as they rolled around on the floor.

"Shh!!" Rose scolded.

"There's people who are sleeping!" Roxy joined in.

The boys' laughter died down a bit.

"Thank you." I said. We sat down. Harry took his piece of candy.

"Ya know, Harry, I would actually consider dating you if your face was more feminine." Ron said. Hermione slapped him on the arm.

"Ow." He rubbed the spot where she hit him.

"Awwww!!" Rose, Roxy, Ginny, Dom, and I chorused. They both turned scarlet red.

"Shut up." Ron growled. We held up our hands innocently.

"Hey, it's true." I said. They just glared at me.

"Ok, whatever." Harry said. "Lily, Truth or Dare?"

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