Hopefully there is a chance.

I kept walking and once I finally got to the small house, I entered quietly. Grandmother would be asleep and I didn't want to wake her with my morning arrival. My cheeks rose pink at the thought of her imagining or thinking why I wasn't here last night. –"Oh! Finally you had arrived child" Grandma called from the small dining table. She sipped on her coffee as the scent of honey buns filled the air.

-"Um. . . Sorry grandma" I said, lowering my head and feeling my cheeks blush even more. –"Oh honey. No need to be, they often do that and you can't stop them" She said relaxed. Her words made me blush further red. I knew she'll think that.

-"It wasn't what you think grandmother" I explained and removed my red hood, hanging it on the door hanger. She turned to look at me and smiled softly, something in her eyes making me stare at her even more. –"I know it wasn't. Oh child you're too young to think about those sort of business" She scolded and crossed her arms against her chest, chuckling at my understandable words.

-"W-W-What . . . I wasn't think that nana!" I whined and covered my eyes trying to push away the images that flashed through my mind. Oh my god. . .

She chuckled once again and retired to the kitchen. I shakes my head and proceeded to my chamber. There, I laid on my bed, feeling the comfort sheets press against my tensed and agitated muscles. My mind went back to the beast and I. . . about what we have.

Last night, was amazing. We both sealed our feelings with that kiss and I could see it in his eyes that his feelings were sincere. That he saw me with admiration and delicacy. I was his delicate jewel and he was my expensive relic.

My eyes slowly shut off, letting sleep take over me once again. The heavy weight that lifted upon me made me fade into the darkness of my dreams.

Darkness. Cold. The image before me made me wonder around the area I stood. There was nothing to show me a way, there was just darkness and the unknown coldness that filled my body. Where am I?

Then I realize that I can't move, my feet are plastered against the surface beneath me. I then begin to panic at the sudden realization. Why can't I move? What is going on here?

My head then turn to look forward to someone standing in the short distance.

Silver eyes.

Silver eyes.

The second beast.

The eyes stare back at me, a weird admiration fixing in his eyes as he moved forward towards me. His steps echo in my ear, realizing that he is human. . . He is like the beast. . . The sound of my heart beat bumps inside my ears as he moves closer and closer and his steps harder and harder against the surface beneath us. Something inside me makes me fear and stare back horrified at the second beast approaching me. What. . .?

The steps stop and then when I see him, my body instantly shivers. Unknown power that runs through me as my body keeps heating up, the sudden warmth that burns into me makes me feel disgusting. This can't be happening. . .

The darkness begins to fade and then shock and horror cross over my body. His face showed no emotion but, his mouth plastered into a wicked smile that made my body shake in uncontainable excitement. No. . . He moved aside and in the distance a body laid in a pond of blood. –"NO!" I screamed as the body that laid there was. . . the beast.

My body tried to move where he was, trying to reach for him and safe him. Inside, I broke at the horrific view that made my body go numb. –"WAKE UP! PLEASE. . . PLEASE!" I cried pleading a miracle to come upon me to safe him. He didn't move, he didn't make a sound, instead the blood ran faster off his body. He's dead. . .

Blood. . .

Coldness. . .

Numb. . .

-"Now you're all mine" The second beast whispered behind my ear, my body welcomed the sudden action. No. . . His hands trailed up to my dress, caressing the area of my breast as my body responded to the touch in ways that I would react to the beast. No. . . –"Mine" He said with range and power and then, everything began darken once again. . .

No. . .

Red Riding Hoods Beast : Erotic Fairy Tales Series #1Where stories live. Discover now