he stopped, the smirk fading, his hold on roma lessening slightly.

her cheeks were heated. veiled by the bleakness. her breaths spilt heavily from her lips.

the room, yet again, became a void of emptiness. the sound of a car, far away. echoing.

"i'm sorry."

his voice was so silenced, rasping, almost inaudible.


she was frightened and quiet now. a nervous edge of fear laced her whispering tone. dark eyes wavered, unfocused on what she was saying, blurred vision hinting at something else. anything.

"what were you thinking?"

roma reached up to grab the sides of baekhyun's face. caressing the red and uneven nature of his cheek, the warmth of him radiating onto her own shivering skin.

she wanted him to kiss her.

bright eyes were shining, like beacons against the midnight-black sky.

his lips quivered, like he was trying to desperately form a coherent answer.

"i was worried, okay? worried about you. and, fuck, i don't know, i just didn't--didn't want him to find you. i know what fuckers like him do for fun, roma, and...i'm, just, i'm sorry."

a pale sliver of moonlight had paved a path through the separated curtains. an opaque glow settled over the thick atmosphere of the enclosed space. his expletive admission tore at her fragile state, clawing at her beating heart.

"did you find him? he wasn't at work."

roma whispered.

baekhyun looked up, towards her.

"no, he attacked me. the bastard." he paused. "i didn't really know what i was doing or where i was going, to be honest. i was just--"

lost for words.

roma breathed; in, out, in, out.

it was her turn, now.

"it's okay," she sighed, bringing their foreheads together. eyes closing. "i'm sorry, i should've listened to you. maybe it was my fault."

"don't be stupid, roma. i shouldn't have done it." a pause. "i didn't mean to scare you."

his hand reached up to push a strand of hair behind her ear. roma gripped protectively onto the ends of his shirt. the moist feel of his skin distracted her from his hard breaths and low voice.

roma let out another deep breath.

heavy heartbeats.

"come on."

roma's small hand clung to baekhyun's as she softly pushed him backwards. further into the dark. shadow followed them as they peeled themselves from the wall. roma's fingers entwined with his, leading them through the darkness of the living room.

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