chapter 1

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  6 years ago(9 years old)

"hurry up ty!"sky yelled to deadlox ."okay,be patient!"deadlox yelled back.ty grabs the Frisbee and throws it to sky but it goes over sky's head and into the woods."i'll get it."sky said.then he turned around and started to walk twords the woods."don't go in there!"deadlox yelled"remember the stories of herobrine being in those woods." "dude herobrine's not real."sky called back as he walked into the woods. sky walked into the woods and finds the Frisbee. he was about to pick it up when he heard a sound."who's there?" sky said as he looked around. herobrine droped down from a tree. sky turned around and saw the white-eyed man."hello sky" herobrine said as he made a red ball of energy in his hand. he grabbed sky by the neck with the hand that held the energy. sky screamed in pain but herobrine covered his mouth so no one could hear lost consisness and his glasses feel off his face.herobrine smiled and teleported away with sky.

*time skip*

"sky?!"deadlox yelled. he walked into the woods and finds sky's glasses and the Frisbee.

6 years later (15 years old)

"are you ready tyler ?" deadlox asked logdotzip. "yup." he awnsered. "you ready kyle ?" " yeah" kkcomics said." alright, remember to keep an eye out for herobrine." deadlox warned the other 2."herobrine doesn't exist."tyler said. "that was sky's last words." deadlox said remembering his best friend. "wasn't sky the person who got supposly got kidnapped by herobrine?" kyle asked. "yup." deadlox said. "you knew him?" tyler asked. "yeah, come on we should go now before nightfall."

time skip

they are walking through the woods and they trip a tripwire and a cage traps them." what's going on?" kyle asked. a person jumped out from the bushes close to the cage with a butter(gold) sword."what are you doing here?" the person asked the group."i know that voice from anywhere! sky, is that you?" deadlox asked the person." Ty?"sky said as he lifted the cage. "sorry about that" sky hugs ty after the cage is secure in the air.(no skylox plz:))"sky where have you been these past 6 years?" deadlox asked him." well I spent 2 years running from herobrine and 4 years as herobrine's prisoner." "wow, 4 years. that sounds horrible! I'm tyler." tyler said."i'm kyle" kyle said."i'm sky." sky said. " come on lets get home and tell everyone you're okay." deadlox said. they start walking twords the exit of the woods then sky lost consisness and fell to the ground. they ran over to sky."sky, what's wrong?" deadlox asked. then sky's eyes shot open and they were white.

in sky's vision

a younger herobrine with his wife are walking in the nether when a group of rebel zombie pigmen drop down from a cliff above their heads.the zombie pigmen take out swords and stab herobrine's wife and she drops to the ground.they try to stab herobrine but he breakes free and takes their swords and slains them all. grieving over his dead wife herobrine soon is driven to insanity and gains powers and goes to the overworld and kills innocent people.

back in the real world

sky's eyes go back to their normal golden color."what was that?" Deadlox asked. " a vision, I've had them ever scince herobrine captured me. we need to run! " why?" Kyle asked. " because I only have them when herobrine is close by!" then a minion of herobrine droped down and grabed sky and pinned him to a tree " run!" sky yelled as he struggled to brake free. the other 3 ran away from sky." I've got him sir." the minion said. " good" herobrine said as he walked up to the two. " sky,sky,sky. I remember you, you always tried to escape" i'll never stop trying!" sky yelled. "you'll never make it." herobrine said to sky. sky wiggled out the minion's grip and took the sword sky still had and lunged at herobrine. he doges the blow and grabs sky's wrist." you shouldn't have done that." herobrine said and then a red aura appeared around the hand that was holding sky's wrist. then sky yelled in pain , dropped the sword and fell onto his knees." bring him back to the castle." herobrine commanded the minion . he grabbed sky and dragged sky back to the castle.

in the castle

" this has gone on for too long. we need to kill him,he cannot escape anymore." herobrine whispered to one of his minions. sky overheard the convication and started to worry. "oh shit, they're going to kill me. I need to get out of here." sky then walked to the back of his cell and used his power that has been held inside for years to get in contact with Ty. he closed his eyes and when they re-opened they were white.

with the others

"okay.... we're ......far enough." tyler said between breaths. "i'm worried about sky." Deadlox said to the others " what are they going to do to him?" Kyle said "it's herobrine. he could be tortured or worse, dead." Tyler said. then Ty yelled in pain and fell to his knees, he opened his eyes and they were golden yellow."ty,you okay?" tyler asked " grab onto me, right now." Ty said to the other two. they grab onto Ty's shoulders and their eyes turn to bright golden yellow.

in sky's mind

" guys, you need to get me out of here. they're going to kill me. go to the center of the forest, you should find a castle, go in and find the cell I'm in and get me out of here. please, I don't want to die,i'm too young to die!" sky said to them nervously. " don't worry sky we'll save you, I promise. " Ty said to reassure his friend.

back in the real world

their eyes turn back to their normal colors. " come on. let's save sky." Kyle said.

*time skip*

they were now in front of the castle. they went in and slipped past the gaurds and went to the cell sky was in and got him out. now they were running away from the castle. "stop right there!" herobrine said as he walked out of the castle. he raised his hand wich had a bright yellow aura around it and sky fell to the ground and was dragged back by herobrine. he drags back the others and traps them in cages. a minion grabs sky and holds his arms behind his back. herobrine makes a black aura in his hand and it turns into a obsidian sword. "no prisoner escapes me alive." he said then he stabs sky with the sword and twisted the blade. after taking the sword out slowly the minion let go of sky and he fell to the ground. herobrine laughed evily then teleported away with his minion." sky noooooo!" deadlox yelled. Ty shut his eyes tight because of the surge of energy he felt going thru his body. he shot his eyes open and they were bright yellow. he grabbed the bars and pulled them apart with his newly found strength. he climbed out and broke the bars to set his other friends free. he ran over to sky who was still not moving on the ground. "sky, please still be alive." deadlox said as his eyes softened back to his normal red. he checks sky's pulse as Kyle and Tyler run over to them. " is he alive?" Tyler asked him. "yes but his pulse is very faint." he said. come on let's bring him back home before he dies." Kyle said. they grabbed sky and ran out of the woods twords the exit.

*time skip* 5 hours later

sky wakes up and looks around the room then Ty walks in. " hey, you okay?" Ty said as he walked twords the bed." yeah, I'm fine." sky said as he got up. "it's good to be back." "yeah, I'm glad your back. everyone is." Ty said and he handed sky his glasses. he put on his glasses and smiled.but that quickly turned into a worried look. "herobrine will find out I'm alive sooner or later. we need to keep an eye out for him." "true that"Ty said.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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