Chapter 6

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Kayden's POV
Wow! Is all I can think when we arrive at a clearing in the woods. I have always loved it here. The dark, summer nights my siblings and I would have here catching fireflies growing up. Our parents would scold at us when we got home, complaining of how dirty we were. Oh what memories we had here. But Jake doesn't know that it also holds terrible memories as well. I plaster a smile on my face to hide my inner emotions. I am tough, I don't cry. Jake calls to me" Kayden c'mon! I have dinner ready for us. We can sightsee and hangout after."
"K! Coming!" I shout over the harsh winds.
I gracefully walk over to the beautiful set up that Jake has arranged for us. " Wow! Jake , this is incredible! "
" You like it?" He asks.
"Of course! It's beautiful!" I exclaim
" I'm glad! You ready for the time of your life?" He asks.
"Yep!" I reply. He pulls out my chair for me and helps me get seated. Such a gentleman! I think as we begin to eat. Jake provided us with medium rare stake, baked potatoes with all condiments, and green beans. That was my favorite meal growing up, until my mom decided to stop cooking for all of us and going back to work.
     I catch Jake staring at me while I was zoned out in my thoughts. As we keep eating the delicious food, we are staring into each other's eyes searching for answers to questions we have never worded. Then, in the distance, a pack of wolves began to howl. We jump out of our seats and race to a blanket Jake had laid out for us. We sit there till we hear a rustling noise in the bushes. A pack of gray wolves bursts out of of the bushes and prowls right in front of us. When they finally notice us, they stare deeply into our eyes, trying to sense what we would do. When they decide we won't harm them, they walk away, back into the darkness they call home.
     Jake grinned like Cheshire Cat, realizing my excitement over seeing the wolves. " Well that was a surprise! I didn't even know they were here!" Jake exclaims.
" Jake that was amazing! Thank you!" I say.
" For what?"
" For giving one of he best nights in my life!"
" Well..."he prolongs".... In that case.. You're welcome! "
" You want to sit down?" He asks. I nod my head and he leads me over to the table again where my stuff lies. I pick up my Bible and open it to John 15:13. Jake glances at my most treasured possession and asks what I am doing. I reply by reading the verse that lies before me." Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."
" Wow! What is this about?" Jake asks me quizzically.
" Wait! Do you know what this book is?"
" Something that you love very much?"
I smile at this. " Yes, but it is also the holy word of God. Without God, you're life has no purpose, no true meaning of life. "
" How do you know?" Jake asks.
" Because the Lord loves you and he wants to be with you! The only way for you to stay with the Lord, and me, if we go that far... Is by accepting Christ Jesus as your Savior and believing in him."
" How can I do that?" Jake asks.
" Well, I can pray with you and you might feel different after it. But it will always be in a good way." I smile at him. I might have just lead the man I love into following Christ. " Well than, I want to. If it means I can be saved and be with you forever..." He smiles at me," then that's all I want."
" Well than lets get started!"
I bow my head and fold my hands , then glance at Jake and see him smiling at me. After he realizes that he has stared at me for too long, he then copies me position and I close my eyes. I am leading Jake Westin to Christ. I hope with all my heart he will continue to follow the Lord. I began to let the words from my heart flow out and touch Jake's life.

Please everybody comment and share with your friends! I need more views in I am gonna continue the book!

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