"What, you're in LA and it's summer! You're like the only girl without a bikini." He told me the obvious.

"Well, I'm not as comfortable with my body as you are. Plus, have you looked at other girls on the beach? Dude, I'd not even want to wear one after seeing them."

"I totally understand, Ally. I'm not taking off my shirt either." Xander informed.

"This is ridiculous," He shook his head and turned to me with confused eyes. "I thought you were comfortable with your body and stuff, you have been working out."

It was true that I had lost a few pounds and I was in the best shape of my life but still I was conscious when it came to exposing. "Yeah, you won't understand. You're all pretty." I was surprised by my own voice, I didn't know my self-esteem had stooped so low.

"Yeah it's us, the not-so-good looking ones who suffer." Xander said dramatically, as he linked our arms together and marched us inside the restaurant. He managed to get a hearty laughter out of such a pathetic situation.

"For the record, I wouldn't go to a restaurant wearing a bikini. We came here to eat not to show off." I clarified to Kai who has always been kind of a show off for which we never fail to mock him.

After a heavy lunch, Xander and I dumped ourselves inside Kai's car. I didn't want to do anything other than take a nap after drinking that huge glass of milkshake.

"Oh god, I feel so bloated..." Xander whined as soon as the car started moving.

"I told you guys to not eat so much before going to the beach," Kai chimed.

"Shut up, you skinny ass. We are not on a diet forever like you," I scolded him from the backseat and he rolled his eyes as usual. Since, Kai started going to the gym, he was obsessed about always maintaining a healthy diet.

"Yeah, I'd rather feel nauseous because of full stomach than an empty one." Xander lectured. He was peeved at Kai and his stupid diet.

"Okay, can we talk about something else?" Kai asked and both of us fell silent. "Like how I managed to get us tickets for Avicii's show."

"What?!" Both of us screamed in disbelief staring in bewilderment at Kai's smug face.

"Yeah, he's having a show at the Venice beach and it's open for like only 200 people. And since not many people knew about it, I got us 3 tickets." He explained and we still couldn't believe that we were going to see one of the best DJs in the world live.

"Don't tell me it is today?!" I realised out loud, my eyes nearly jumping out of the sockets.

"Yes, it starts around 6 though, until then we can just chill around the beach." I was so elated that I just wanted to hug Kai for his achievement.

"Wow, great job! But, you didn't even tell me," Xander asked with his own grin.

"Yeah, it was a surprise. I thought we could have some fun before we all head back home for summer."

"You saved our summer!" I announced raising my hands in victory. Until today, I had hated every day of summer. But, today I would get to see one of my favorite DJs. It was almost unbelievable how quickly my mood went from sleepy to excited in a matter of seconds. And just like that my whole summer went through a drastic change of plans.


The beach was crowded aptly as it was a hot, sunny Sunday evening. The thing I loved about LA was that here no one was scared to be who they were. They wore what they liked, ate what they wanted to, did whatever they do, without any fear of getting judged. Like the Hollywood Boulevard was always filled with mimicry artists, magicians, musicians, who were not afraid to showcase their talent.

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