18: Maybe, Just Maybe...

Start from the beginning

"Oh Lou. You look like an angry kitten."

"I do not!"

"You do!"

"But I do not. I'm a boy."

"Yes. And I can't wait to make you my boy." Harry winked.

Harry seemed to think something funny, which was honestly going to be funny only for Harry because his jokes were bad, not that Louis doesn't laugh at his joke. Because Louis will never make Harry feel bad. He himself has felt bad enough when–

"Hey Lou?" Harry asked in a whisper,taking Louis out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" Louis whispered back. Because somehow it felt like it was their own bubble. Where they are the only people existing.

"Why do you always seem to fall on me? Or make me fall on you?"


"What? Don't you think it is a sign? Like even the gods above seem to make us kiss!" Harry insisted.

"Okay then. Kiss me you fool." Louis said jokingly.

Louis' eyes widened when suddenly Harry surged forward.

And then Harry's lips were on his.

Louis moaned lightly at the feeling of pleasure and butterflies in his stomach.

Louis had never been kissed so gently yet with so much passion. He felt a spark with Harry. Cliché but true.

Harry seemed to enjoy a bit too much since he rolled them over so that Louis was underneath Harry.

Harry was holding Louis' hands above his head. Yes actually holding hands with Louis.

They kissed for so long till the need of oxygen was so strong that they broke away panting.

Louis' face was a lovely colour of pink and he was biting his bottom lip. And Harry was smiling so wide that it seemed as if his jaw is going to split any second.

Harry traced Louis bottom lip and tugged it,sadly not with his teeth, with his hand to avoid getting the lip bruised.

"T-that was um- Wow." Harry said after a moment of observing Louis.

"Y-yes. It was g-good." Louis was being shy, Harry could tell.

As much as Harry liked to-be-his shy Louis. He could tell that there was much more to Louis' personality.

So Harry smiled and helped Louis up gently as he was still in somewhat pain.

Louis got up but scrunched up his face when he felt a bit of pain shooting up his side. Harry was concerned but Louis told him not to worry about it.

"Um Louis?"Harry asked unsurely, after some time.

"Yeah Haz? Oh- so-sorry I mean H-Harry–" Louis answered frantically.

"No you can call me Haz. I like it." Harry smiled reassuringly.

"Oh okay. So,what were you saying..?"

"Oh um. I like, wanted us to be a secret..? Please say yes?"
Harry asked and nearly gave him puppy eyes.

"O-oh." Louis answered in a shaky voice.

This has happened to him before. He cannot let it happen again. No. No. Liam will be so disappointed. Oh no. 'But what if Harry likes me really?' Louis thought.

But how could he handle that again? He couldn't. The first time had broken him enough. This time though he couldn't handle that.

This hiding thing was not new to Louis.

As they say, Once bitten and twice shy.

"Louuu?" Harry snapped his fingers.

Louis was surely going to end up broken and this time with no way to mend his heart. But, Harry had acted really like he liked Louis. Could it be a trick? To mess with the faggot?

Louis didn't really want to know. But maybe just maybe Harry was only keeping him a secret for some time. Till he is ready to come out.

His brain and heart were having a real conflict. His brain was telling him no. A simple big NO. That it will bite him in the ass later on.

But his heart was begging him to give Harry a chance. A single chance wouldn't hurt right? Maybe he deserved some happiness after all?

So, Louis went with his heart for the first time in years. He said yes.

"O-okay." Louis whispered.

"Thank God! I was getting worried that you would just up and leave!" Harry sighed in relief.

Harry didn't know his past. And frankly, Louis didn't want him to be involved in the mess. He isn't a masochist but he had made some bad decisions. Liam had helped him realise that. But that was only after he was hurt. Very badly.

He just hoped that his dreadful past doesn't repeat itself. After all he-who-should-not-be-named had never kissed Louis lovingly...

"Okay,Lou. As much as I like your thinking face, I would like you to eat something! Come on. I'm hungry." Harry exclaimed.

Oh no. How to avoid Harry this time? Louis thought.


Yes. I wrote a chapter. And yes I didn't leave you hanging this time.😂😂

All of you who have read/commented/voted etc. A MASSIVE THANK YOU ❤❤❤

So how was the chapter?😉😉


All the love, as always,

LarryHaveBabies xx.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now