I. 9 AM on a Saturday

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"I'm home!" My voice echoed throughout the empty apartment, but up to my surprise, eager footsteps welcomed my figure.

"Seunggi! You're here!!!" My older sister, Younggi, grinned with a dose of delight, which made me felt more than sure that something good had happened in her university.

"You see, there's a new student in my class! His name is Lee Yoongi!" She blabbered while following me to my room like a bubbly kitten.

I hummed for her to continue. "So, we're going to move to our new house next week, right? Turns out, he lives right beside our new house! He's also really nice to me, and he's cute!" She continued to babble while I took out some clothes for me to change.

"Did you stalk him or what? Why'd he give his address to a flirty girl like you?" I raised one eyebrow, and she nudged me harshly on my stomach.

"Shut up, says the one that never have even one date before." Everyone seemed to know my tragic love life and used it for an insult that I wanted to marry my bed instead.

I huffed. "So? What do you want to do now?"

She smiled with a sprinkle of secrets and mischievous ideas. "We need to prepare something for next week."


"I'm so going to kill you." I spoke through my gritted teeth, spreading my ominous aura, in which Younggi's voice bounced across her throat, producing a hideous giggle from her as a reply.

"Do that later. For now, you need to help me," she tilted her head and beamed, "you said you wanted to help girls who have crushes on people, right? Now is your research time."

She clasped her hands together. "And it's show time."

I grunted, rolling my eyes in vexation. She pressed on the bell, then she hid behind the flowers-decorated walls, while I stood awkwardly with a box of rice cake and a tacky gift box Younggi had prepared for her beloved crush.


A figure opened the door, and my heart already thumped rapidly. Not that I was nervous for Younggi's sake, but it was because I was naturally awkward with new people, and I didn't know if I'd appear normal in front of (what Younggi had said) the Lee family, or just... the total opposite.

Just then, a boy stepped in front of the door frame, showing himself in front of me.

His hair was as messy as a newly-built bird nest that was dyed blonde, his eyes were squinting with the sudden dose of bright sunlight, and he was wearing a plain, white t-shirt with khaki shorts that were already washed out.

His skin was really pale, and he was shorter than the height of average boys in my age. I lifted an eyebrow.

Younggi did tell me that he had pale skin and he wasn't that much taller compared to her height, but I didn't know that the Yoongi guy was this short. I guess my sister had a thing for guys who looked younger and shorter than her.

Another thing that I was aware about, despite the fact that he actually looked cute and hot after presumably waking up from his peaceful slumber, was that he was utterly annoyed by my appearance, judging from his furrowed eyebrows and the downhill tips of his lips.

"Uh, who are you?" He asked timidly with his morning, raspy voice, and I gulped the forming lump in my throat.

"Um, hi! I'm Kwon Seunggi, and my family and I just moved to the house next to yours. My mom wants to give this rice cake to you," I gawkily handed him the box of rice cake, in which he groggily accepted it, "and... uh... I'm assuming you're Lee Yoongi?"

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