Harry lactose intolerance- for Ambervance16925

Start from the beginning

"I'll go," I volunteered and hurried to the kitchen where Harry was leaning over the sink, breathing heavily and clutching at his stomach.

"Do you wanna try get to the bathroom?" I asked, laying a hand on his shaking shoulder blade.

"One-s-sec," he gasped and then heaved, throwing up loudly into the sink. I tried my best to comfort him, rubbing his back and holding his hair back but I knew I wasn't really that much help.

"N-now we can g-go," he rasped.

 I quickly tugged him into the bathroom where he immediately collapsed over the toilet threw up again, squirming and clenching his muscles from the pain. I couldn't even imagine. All this from a little squirt of sour cream.

"Lou, it r-really-" 

His gut rumbled again, like thunder, and he whimpered. 

"Fuck!" the curse burst from his lips, "it really fucking h-hurts!"
His toes curled and his eyes glassed over.

"What can I do?" I questioned softly.
"Some w-water, and- jesus christ, you might want to leave." 

He tucked his head in, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying."
"I'm s-sure Lou," he forced out as he struggled to his feet.
I nodded, "okay, I'll waiting for you out there, just yell if you need anything."
"T-thanks," he replied. I left and gently closed the door behind me.

Harry's POV:

It took twenty minutes for me to finish up and even then I was still in agony. Nothing else was coming up or out by this point though and I definitely preferred to be out there with my friend's  comfort than writhing on the bathroom floor by myself.

I dragged myself out to the living room, my knees threatening to give out from underneath me the entire time. I was so exhausted, being in the bathroom expelling the contents of my stomach for twenty minutes had really taken it out of me.

"You alright, Hazza?" Niall asked as I got closer, being the first one to notice me.

"Not really," I admitted quietly, tightening the grip around my stomach as it gurgled.

"Come sit down, you look like you're ready to collapse," Liam said.

I nodded wearily and joined him on the couch. I rubbed my face, it was hot from crying and there was still a lump in my throat from trying not to.

"Do you want a drink, Haz?" Louis asked and I nodded in response, "please."

He came back a few minutes later and gave me a glass of water along with everyone else and himself. I swallowed a few mouthfuls and stared blankly at the TV. I didn't even know what was going on anymore, I'd missed too much. The distraction wasn't enough and I found myself holding back cries and twisting in my seat as my stomach fought with everything it had.

I dug the heel of my hands into it in an attempt to calm it down but surprise, surprise, it didn't work. A strong wave of nausea washed over me and a small gasp slipped out of my mouth, my fingers curling around the material of the couch. I defiantly swallowed the bile that was climbing up my raw throat and struggled to get myself under control. I wasn't exactly doing a very good job of it.

"Harry, why don't you go try sleep this off? You're obviously in pain and feeling like hell," Liam gently suggested as the credits rolled over the screen.

"Bucket," was the one word I managed to get out.

"Huh?" Louis pulled a face.

I opened my to try again but ended up clapping a hand over it with a gag.

"Shit !" 

Niall raced into the laundry and grabbed a bucket, returning in record speed and giving it to me just as I burst. The tears were back, streaming down my face as loud sobs tore from my throat in between rounds. I heaved over and over again, retching dryly when I had nothing left. I could feel my mind fuzzing a bit, I was so tired and empty, I could've fallen asleep right then and then, mid projectile puke, which would've been a great story to tell at parties.

Luckily I managed to stay awake until it was over and then one last  lurch in my stomach woke me back up as I coughed.

"Hazza, you've gotta try calm down, I know it hurts but you're not helping yourself," Liam said as I continued to sob. I laid down across the couch and closed my eyes, still hiccuping. My knees curled into my chest and I closed my eyes, trying to block out the smell of vomit.

"That's it, just go to sleep," Liam muttered. I let my thoughts go, and quickly, easily, fell into a pained but well needed sleep.

Alright, this is really really really really short but I have a reason: I know absolutely nothing about lactose intolerance. I haven't known anybody in my entire life who is lactose intolerant or anything, I literally have zero knowledge. I figured the less I wrote the less chance I'd have of screwing up so that's why it's only 1200 words.

I hope you liked it, comment anything you want to say, I read everyone's comments every time so don't worry, you'll get noticed :)

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