Fallen Angel

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I could feel the pain easing.
" I must be getting close to my new home". Home.

That word will forever be in my head . I started to smell something that I haven't smelled in awhile, fresh air. I was approaching some dark clouds that were striking some lightning.

"Dammit !" A lightning bolt stuck my right leg and set my skin aflame.

I could see it, my new home. A strange one too, ignoring the pain, I quickly analyzed it. It's architecture was stunning, there were 4 places connected to one there was snow in one place, a rainforest next to it and a dessert with a huge palm tree. But the one that caught my eye was the modern looking city. I loved it at first sight, but the question is who are the people, should I trust them and show that I have god like abilities? We'll see but for now let me just crash land in the middle of that city.

"It's getting closer" Judy said sounding worried.

"The clouds are lightening up" said Nick.

"Try the radio now Judy." Judy was pressing on the main station button trying to reach Clawhauser. " Officer Judy? Nick?" It was Clawhauser.

"What's going on out there, there was dark clouds and now it's lightening up." Judy didn't know what was going on, so she thought of something quick. "There seems to be a strange meteor landing towards the center of the city send back up on its crashed location" Judy hasn't been in the zone since the academy.

"Will do, stay safe".

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