I Can Barely Breathe

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The reflection of the water threw watery ribbons of silver across Toragai Michi's face. A few shimmered over her eyes, and she had to raise an arm to shield them.

'It's too hot...'

Bending down, she scooped up some of the cool water and splashed it onto her face. It was times with sweltering heat like today where she was glad she was a member of the swim team. Vice-captain, at that; she'd been serving that position for two years now. Many often claimed with her dedication, she should apply for the occupation of captain of the team. But she could never fill that position. Only the graceful Furuda Masumi could. The way the senior swam; bursting with vigor and determination; it was an art within itself. An art that no one else could recreate even if they were pedestaled as being the top swimmer on the team. Others just gossiped about the whole hesitation as the manifestation of a power struggle and that Masumi had threatened Michi if she were to attempt to seek her position. They were all just foolish rumors to Michi. It was Masumi's last year here at Kurogaiji, after all. Why did everyone have to corrupt it with stupid bird-talk?

"Ah, Michi! Do you have a moment?" Masumi's mature voice rang out over the shivering surface of the pool.

Michi knew that voice almost too well by now. She knew the bespectacled face; the expression she'd see when she brought her gaze up to look at her. The girl was standing by the side of the pool holding a clipboard under the shade of a makeshift pavilion. She hadn't been in the pool yet, so her hair was still up in their twin, thin, dark green braids that spiraled down her back to her hips. The even familiar pair of emerald green eyes shimmered from behind the flashing lenses of her round glasses. She was cute with the glasses, but even prettier without them, although, that was a rare spectacle to be seen, since even when swimming she wore them, though under her swim goggles. On the front of the old swim uniform in neat Japanese read: "Furuda Masmi, captain." Michi straightened like a solider and made her way over to the beckoning girl, using the small peach towel slung over her shoulder to dry her face all the while. Her stony heart always skipped a beat whenever Masui smiled at her or when she was near her. She didn't quite understand why. It started sometime last year right at the last day of an intensive two week summer camp. It was a little irritating, yet it made her want to shine at her best even more for her.

Masumi held the clipboard out to her, pointing at a few names with the tip of her sharp pencil. "We need to start sorting out the member list. Some dropped earlier last week. This will be the finalized list, I think."

Michi scanned it over briefly.

"It's a bit of a shame we lost members so early on." She sighed.

There had been many exemplary students that had tried out. It had been the most influx of interested students that the swim team had ever see. Masumi had been so ecstatic, she cried when first seeing all the names on the list. Many of the students had been accepted in, but as the school year started to progress into a busy year, some had had to give up their secured positions, promising they would return next year. Masumi cried then, too, though it wasn't out of sadness. She'd cried because she had been glad that they had tried their best for the team and more importantly, for themselves.

"Masumi!" Another voice called out over the thriving pool.

The bespectacled captain looked up from her work at Koishimi Aimi, her smile never fading. "I'll be right there!"

She turned to the other girl, the smile turning slightly apologetic. "Sorry, Michi. I'll be back really soon. Would it be alright if you please took over this for the time being?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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