Part 1: The beginning

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A/N: Thank you for clicking on my story and giving it a chance, I hope you like it! Also, I will only do the names on the side for who's talking for this chapter unless absolutely needed. Let me know if there is any confusion with this. Anyway, if, by any chance in this crazy world, you like this story please, please, PLEASE vote, comment, critique meh, and never stop being the lovely people you are.

On to the story!!!

Pat (one of the main characters) : "Sup Benji, whatcha want to do?"

Benji (Pats good friend): "I dunno. I only your parents would let us go to that party at Laura's house. *cough* *cough* Helloooo Pat??"

Pat: "Okay okay, I got the hint. I just can't ask them. They will flip, I don't need them even more protective than they already are. So, we'll just have to make do here."

Benji: "You're so rebellious," (sarcasm seeping from his voice)
Pat: "Yeah, yeah. How about we do prank calls?"

Benji: "You're killing me. That was so 8th grade dude, right now, at the healthy age of 17 we should be at parties. We should have girlfriends! This lifestyle we have is not right!"

Pat: "Shut it. Okay, let's dial some random numbers and get the show on the road."

Benji: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You're like my mom, trying to do things with me that you thinks I still like. Pattt!!! Stop acting like my mom!!"

Pat: "Okay. Random numbers dialed, time to call."

Benji: "You're tuning me out, aren't ya you little turd?"

Pat: "Yes, yes I am."




"Hello. What do you want?" (Lanea: other main character)
"Hey, uh... Damn it! I got nothing, oh shut up Benji. "

"Do I know you? Hah, who am I kidding, I don't care. Either way I'm not going to listen to you. Just a future warning."
"Nothing to say, huh, weirdo? I'm guessing you have no idea who I am. You a prank called?
"Uh... No, of course not. Heh. Heh. Ummm...You're fridge is running, better catch it!"
"Great liar, I applaud you. And for your information, my fridge recently broke and my ice cream is melting all over my damn floor. Wanna help clean it up?"
"I'm good. Anyway, I'm gonna go now..."
"WAIITTT. Let me save your number. No reason. Hehe, I lied. There is a reason."

"What? What's the reason?"

"Guess you'll just have to find out, huh?"




Oh. Okay."


Benji: "How'd it go, was it super duper fun?"

Pat: "Uh... she didn't pick up."

Benji: "Oh really? So why we're you talking into the phone like a nervous cow? And why did you say she didn't pick up, huh?"

Pat: "Umm... I heard the voicemail and thought it was a girl who actually picked up...but I heard the beep and realized it was voicemail..."

Benji: "Lame. I should go, I have some... homework."

Pat: "Really? Homework? You never do your homework. If you aren't having fun just tell me."

Benji: "Look. You're popular and athletic, you should be the king at these parties! I should be your cute wingman that all the girls swoon for! By not talking to your parents about this youre destroying my dreams!"

Pat: "What great aspirations. (Sarcastic) And popular, seriously? I don't care, really. Just go, I know you want to."

Benji: "I do want to leave. But I won't. You're my friend and I don't leave my friends. Most of the time. Also, I honestly have nowhere else to be. So, hell, let's do some more prank calls."

Pat: "Nah. You're right those were so 8th grade. Let's just watch Batman vs. Superman at the movies, I can get us some discounted tickets."

Benji: "LET US GO!"

A/N: Thanks for reading Part 1! I hope to update this often, so keep a look out for new updates!, comment, and check out my other works (uncompleted) The Shadow In the Window and The Not-So Ordinary One!!!

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