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The second I stepped out of the car my mom immediately smiled standing up and walking off the porch to bring me into her arms. I was so thankful for our new relationship. Once my Dad had come back it's like all of a sudden she found closure and became the greatest woman she could be.

"Hi Mom how is Malibu" I asked talking about the golden retriever and Pitt bull mixed dog she had recently got to accompany her in our now empty home since I have been off to college.

"She is over at Rebecca's I just got back from the grocery store and decided to wait to go over and get her so I would be ready to greet you" she said and I nodded setting my bag down on the porch.

"Well let's go and get her" I said and she smiled and nodded as we walked next door.

"Knock, knock, knock" I said through the screen door since the end of May weather here has gotten everyone super hot.

"Bobby!" I heard her familiar voice yell and she ran into view and opened the screen door. She pulled me in a hug then pushed me back studying everything until she got to my hands.

"He hasn't purposed yet! My God I feel like I have been waiting for years, you guys have been dating for like 6 years. Isn't that enough time to know your the one" she grumbled and I laughed.

"Your 24 for God sakes, aren't you waiting?" She asked and I shook my head chuckling as she allowed me and my Mom in.

"What is all the ruckus going on down here?" A voice boomed heading down the steps and I turned and saw Mr. Rodriguez. (Did I ever give him a name? Help?)

"Hey Mr. Rodriguez" I said and he smiled hugging me.

"Hey sweet pea, my boy purpose yet?" He immediately asked and I threw my hands in the air.

"Is that all you guys do with your lives is wait for me and Benny to get engaged" I said laughing and they all nodded and I sighed.

"Well you have to talk to him cause he hasn't purposed but not until we graduate. He has been under a lot of stress with the LA Dodgers coming to recruit boys off the team and all this end of the year school work piling up on him and I don't want him to think he is forced to purpose to me. After graduating we have a whole summer to do that" I explained and they nodded.

"You think he will be recruited?" Mr. Rodriguez asked and I nodded.

"Easily, I bet you he will be the first one on the team to catch their eyes" I said and he smiled putting his hand on my shoulder.

"That's my boy" he said and I smiled at him.

"Well if he is under so much stress, do something nice for him and help him get his mind off of things" Rebecca said and I smiled and nodded.

"I think I have just the idea for that" I said and she smiled at me before hugging me once more.

I was laying in the bed of my old room around 9:30 feeling accomplished after all the work I had done to start the surprise to help Benny's stress when the phone rang. I knew my mom was trying to sleep so I ran and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey cutie" his sweet voice came through and I smiled.

"Hey you just get back from practice?" I asked and I heard him chuckle breathlessly.

"Yeah, it took a lot more to gain back a week then I thought and I wanted to call before I showered and you were asleep" he said and I smiled.

"I miss you and I only left this morning?" I said laughing.

"I love you so much" he said and I smiled.

"I love you so much too, I wish you were here" I said and I could tell he was smiling.

"I'm gonna head to bed, you get some rest to boy. You overwork yourself way to much" I said and he sighed.

"Goodnight Bobby" he said and I set the phone back where it belonged. Thankfully he called because my thoughts had been overly muddled before even stopping me from any sleep.

I knew he was over stressed about the recruiting for the Dodgers but there was something else. He seemed like he was in his own world half the time just thinking and thinking and I don't know what about.

Maybe it was his school work that piled up on him after baseball practice or the past long months without speaking to any of the boys, even his best friend Smalls. That's why I needed to do this for him and make sure he was okay because I loved him way to much to watch him fall apart like this.

"Bobby?" I voice questioned and I turned my head towards my mom.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I had just now realized my damp face. Something I have now accustomed to as crying.

"I'm so worried about him" I shuddered running to her arms where she happily rubbed her hand along the back of my head.

"Oh honey, Benny is the strongest boy I know. He will be fine as long as he has you" she said as the sobs racked my body.

"I think I'm gonna go out and clear my head" I said pulling away and wiping my eyes as she nodded.

"Be careful" she said and I nodded my head towards her before slipping on some shoes and grabbing my keys with a mug of coffee in hand, soon I was in my car driving out of the culdesac.

Once I pulled up to where I wanted to be, I turned my head lights off and stepped out the car with my mug in hands as I walked in. Dust flew up from the bottom of each of my steps until I was standing right in the center.

Nothing had changed, it was still the same and sadly we were the ones to change on it. The green fences were faded even more but you could barely tell and just for a second I could picture the hot sun glaring down on us.

Ham yelled play ball and Kenny wound up his arm throwing it almost perfectly but Benny still managing a hit as he ran around the bases before getting stuck in between third and home where all the boys would scream 'pickle' and try their hardest to get him out but Benny had already slid into home.

Then once before they all moved back to their positions Benny and Smalls would turn to each other and share their traditional thumbs up and smiling before turning and doing it all over again.

"Are souls are still here Sandlot, you have nothing to worry about" I muttered before turning and walking back to my car.

One last glance and I could feel it again, all of us at the age of 11-17 so innocent and care free and it would always be there. It will stay there until the next 60's come and go. Even if the Sandlot leaves, our presences would fill the space that was missing everywhere. Forever and always.

Obsessive, Threequel to Obsessed // The Sandlot Where stories live. Discover now