Waking Up

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Everyone looked at me. "Why?" Drake asked. I paused. I had a slight headache then it went away in a split second. I forgot why I was talking to the strange the blonde. "I.. don't remember.." I trailed off. "Look, let's just get that dork of a princess out of here and continue what we were doing." I said, trying to remember what I was doing. "Hmm, we COULD do that... or... we could beat her up." Ace said, walking up to her. The blonde stepped back from Ace but then bumped into Taz. Taz looked down at her angrily. "Sorry, I think I'm just gonna grab Cyd and get out of here." The blonde said nervously. She grabbed my arm. Then the gang walked up to her. "Cyd aint goin no where with you." Drake said seriously. Still holding my arm, she ran. She made me loose my balance because she pulled me and I fell to the ground. "Cyd!" Drake yelled. I got up. I looked at the blonde quizically and angrily. Then a blonde boy and a brown-haired boy grabbed me and pulled me into some sort of minivan. "Ow!" I said, lying on the floor of the van. I ran up to the blonde and punched him. Then the brunette boy grabbed my arm. The guy I punched came up to me and sprayed me with some weird stuff. Then I passed out.

I could only remember seeing my gang run after the weird lab-van I was in with their motorcyles. I had duct tape over my mouth and my hands were tied behind my back. I looked around. The blonde girl must've heard me waking up. She got up from the couch that was in the van and walked up to me. She smiled. It made me sick. She was about to untie my restraints but the nerdy blonde stopped her. "Shelby, stop! We don't know if she's calm yet." He said. I just growled. The blonde girl frowned and walked back to the couch.

I fell asleep. I dreampt of the people who kidnapped me being my friends. I didn't understand this. Why would the crazy people be nice to me. I watched as I saw my younger self play with the weird blonde girl. "Aww, I can't believe my mom put boloney in my cheese sandwich!" Whined a younger version of the blonde. "I love bolony." Younger me said. "You want mine?" She asked. After younger us giggled, I put the smiley-face bolony up to my face and said, "I'm the bolone-ranger!" as I stuck my tongue throught the mouth.

I woke up to see the blonde girl staring at me. I was getting freaked out. Finally, she fell asleep at 5 am. I took out my switchblade that I always had in my pocket and started cutting the restraints lightly, trying not to wake up the creepy teen kidnappers. I was breating heavily even if I was just breathing through my nose. I stuck my tongue out to wet the duct tape. I got most of the duct tape off. A little while after cutting, I finally got the ropes off. I checked my pockets and I had all of my 2 million dollars. I was confused why they didn't take the money. I stood up. The exit was RIGHT next to the blonde stalker girl. I started to sneak past her when an alarm went off. Of course it goes off right now. I got out my switchblade. I wasn't going to attack unless she did. The blonde's eyes fluttered open. "Cyd?" The blonde said, looking up. I froze. "Stay back! I will cut you!" I warned. "Cyd, what's wrong? You've been acting a little- a lot strange." She said, coming up to me. She started to rub my back but I backed away from her hand. "What are you doing?" I asked weirded out. "Cyd. There's something wrong, like you're not yourself." She said. "Look, all I know is that you people have kidnapped me for no reason whatsoever and I don't even know any of your names!" I yelled, accidentally waking everyone else up. She walked up to the boys and whispered something.

Shelby's POV

"Guys, she doesn't remember any of us." I said worried. "We need to jog her memory." Barry said. "Ok, but how?" I asked. "We need to make her feel safe before she can trust us. Then we'll remind her of us." Barry explained. "What about the beach? Girls dig beaches." Naldo said. We both looked at him. "Well, it's worth a shot." I said. "We don't have a lot of time before she completely forgets about us." Barry said. "How come you can't make a syrum?" I asked. "I found this kind of thing in a science book about the human brain. It takes a while to make it. We need to have her distracted. Jogging her memory would be a bonus. The only problem is that if she doesn't want to remember things, the syrum won't work. Just like when you guys went back to kindergarden and she didn't want to grow up." Barry warned.

Cyd's POV

I couldn't hear what they were saying. The blonde boy immediately went to the wheel. I sat down and looked out the window in wonder. The blonde girl went up to me and sat. There was a huge moment of silence. When we reached our destination, or, wherever we were, the blonde boy parked the van. "Cyd, you'll love this, trust me." She said. She shouldn't of said that to me because that just reminded me how much I don't trust them. There was a beach house that sold clothes. My clothes that I was currently wearing were dirty so I went in to buy some. "Hello ma'am." The man at the counter said. "May I help you with something?" He asked. I looked around the store. I saw a red-striped t-shirt, a pink polkadot skirt, and some earrings. I asked if there was a bathroom and he pointed me to it. I fixed some of my makeup and changed my clothes. I got a small briefcase-like suitcase for my old clothes. After I payed for the items, I put my old clothes in my suitcase. I sat down on a rock in the middle of the beach and set the suitcase down. I just looked at the water. I dazed off until the blonde girl came up to me. "You ok?" She asked me. "I guess..." I trailed off. "Do you remember my name yet?" She asked. "I don't even think we've met princess." I replied. She smiled at my tease.

Shelby's POV

I was worried for Cyd. I wondered on what would happen if she completely forgets us. We'd have to restart all over again. The thought of losing Cyd frightened me. "You ok?" I asked, seeing her gloomy face. "I guess..." She said. I didn't like how she said it. I smiled, hoping she would too, like old times. She didn't. "What did you want from me?" She asked, still not facing me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You dragged me into your van. If it wasn't the money, what did you want?" She asked, looking at me. "I want you back. I want the real Cyd back!" I cried. "Well, this is me! I'm here! Are you just going to keep me here!" She yelled. Then I remembered something.

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