Chapter 2

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So, here's Chapter 2 of my story, I hope you like it and thanks to anyone who's read and commented on it! :)

Chapter 2:

For the longest time, Dave and I just sat on Jake's bed in silence. I tried to clear my mind and stay calm, but between the tears that refused to stop and the fact that my little brother could be dead, I was a mess. What could they have done to Jake? The worst of scenarios kept creeping into my mind even though I tried to order them out.

"Dave, what if they killed him already? And they're just luring us into a trap?" I asked.

"That's exactly why I didn't want you to go."

"But I have to! If there's any chance I can get him back I have to try!"

"Its your choice. Just know I'll be right next to you anywhere you go." Dave said softly. I nodded. Dave had always been there for me, no matter what.

"Too bad this time it might kill you." I told him solemnly.

"I promise, neither of us is going to die." Dave said. I knew he would do anything to keep me safe, Dave was always protective like that, but that's not what I cared about. I wanted him to be safe.

I didn't reply.  

Dave and I gloomily wandered around my house for the most part of the day. It was too horrible of a time to even think about doing anything fun. Even the weather seemed to reflect my mood with its dark, looming clouds and rumbling thunder off in the distance. 

 "You should eat something," Dave said as he sat at the kitchen table, tapping his fingers on the dark wood anxiously.

"I'm not hungry," I told him. I wasn't really in the mood to eat right now. I wasn't really in the mood for anything, actually. I just felt like curling up in a ball and crying until I ran out of tears. If it was even possible to run out of tears.

"Erica, you haven't eaten all day. You're hungry. Eat." Dave said as he stood up and pulled some leftover pizza out of the fridge. Cold pizza was my favorite, and Dave very well knew that.

"I'm not hungry." I stated, but when Dave took a bite of one of the slices, I couldn't help myself. I went and grabbed a slice and gobbled it up in less than four bites.

"No, you're definitely not hungry." Dave said and laughed at my piggishness.

"Nope," I said with my mouth full of another slice of pizza.

So, we ate. And once I started eating, I realized that it took my mind off of worrying, so I ate some more. After four slices of pizza, two bowls of ice-cream, three sodas, and about twenty chocolate bars, Dave had to stop me. I was shoving another piece of chocolate in my mouth when he grabbed my arm and made me drop it.

"Stop! Jeez, Erica, you're going to kill yourself!" He exclaimed.

"Sorry! I'm just. . . stressed."

"I noticed." Dave said.

For the rest of the day, we just kind of sat around staring off into space. Dave wouldn't let me eat until dinner when he cooked up a bunch of spaghetti. We ate in silence, then went back to staring off into space. It seemed like forever until midnight.

"I'm going to bring my pocket knife just in case." I told Dave. I stuffed the small knife in my pocket and pulled on my jacket. It was just a pocket knife, and probably wouldn't be of much use to us at all, but just having it made me feel a bit safer.  

"Are you ready?" Dave asked me.

"Yeah, you?" I replied. Dave nodded and we walked to the door. I stepped out into the cold dark air and stared down the street. At the end of my street was the alley I'd assumed the note had been talking about. It was almost a mile away.

We walked in silence.

 My watch beeped at midnight just as we stepped into the alley. I stared into the darkness. The unknown. I'm pretty sure I dug a hole in Dave's arm with my nails as I clutched to him for dear life. We stepped slowly, silently, further and further into the alley. At the time, I hadn't realized how stupid we'd been. 

The alley seemed empty, but it was so dark that a person could jump out and attack us and we wouldn't even know it.

As we walked, I felt only two things. Dave's arm under my shaking hands and a terrible fear shooting up my spine every second. I heard only two things, too. Our deep, shaky breathing and the blood pounding in my ears.

 "You've brought someone with you." A deep voice said from behind me. I jumped and turned around, the fear now pulsing with my fast paced heartbeat.

"Where's Jake?" I said as angrily and demanding sounding as I could. It came out like a scared little girl that was afraid of the monsters in her closet.

The man laughed then I heard him snap his fingers four times. "Stupid girl."

Suddenly, a hand covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my neck from behind. I let out what was meant to be a scream, but sounded more like a dying animal as the person from behind tightened their grip and seemed to squeeze the air out of my lungs.

I struggled for a moment, then went limp. Whoever was keeping a hold on me was extremely strong.

Suddenly, the person seemed to loosen their grip a bit, and without hesitation I slipped out of their grip and took off, only to end up being strangled by another person.

I stood, frozen for a moment as I listened carefully. There were several shuffling noises, probably Dave trying to escape, he was three times stronger than I am. For a moment I thought that maybe he'd be able to escape, but then everything went quiet. Then there was a car. It pulled up at the end of the alley and next I was being dragged towards it. I struggled and fought, trying to break free. The man only laughed at my failed attempts.

I had no time to react. One second I was standing in the alley, and the next I was being thrown into some metal thing. I screamed, but I doubt any noise was heard because a door was closed sending me into complete darkness. I banged on the metal sides for several minutes, shouting for someone to help me. Then I finally stopped to observe what I was in. A horse trailer. And it stunk like farm animals.

 Was this what they were going to do? Shove me in a trailer and take me somewhere? Is this what happened to Jake? Where did they take him? 

 After a wait that seemed like forever, as my voice began to give out on me from the constant screaming and my hands began to go numb from pounding on the metal, the door opened and Dave was shoved into the trailer also. There was a click as some kind of lock slid into place.

"Dave!" I exclaimed, so glad to see he was okay, yet so terrified of what was going to happen. I suddenly burst into tears and he grabbed my shaking hands through the darkness.

"Erica, listen to me." He said calmly. I stopped sobbing, but continued my involuntary shaking. "They're taking us somewhere."

"Where?" I asked urgently.

"I don't know, but we have to make a plan." Dave said. Suddenly an engine started and the trailer jerked backwards, making me bang my head against the metal. Dave pulled me closer to him and we both sat down against the back of the trailer. 

 "So what's the plan?" I asked. My voice was a soft whimper, not at all as calm and steady as Dave's as he spoke.

"I don't know." We sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the engine rumbling and the road moving beneath us. I was still shaking horribly, no matter how hard Dave tried to calm me.

"Do you still have your pocket knife?" Dave asked with a hint of hope in his voice. I felt my pocket for it. It was still there! Maybe we could use it!

"Yes!" I said, hoping this could help us. I pulled it out and handed it to Dave. He opened it and stared at it for a moment.

"Okay," He said as he examined it, running it across his fingers and twisting it in his hands, a nervous habit I'd seen him do on occasion. "They will have to get us out of this trailer at some point, right? Well, when they do, I'll take the knife and fight them off. You just run. As fast as you can. Get out of there."

"But what about you?" I asked, my heart sinking. He didn't just expect me to leave him like that, did he?  

"I'll be okay, just do it, alright? It's our only chance."

"Okay." I said quietly, although in my head I was saying no. I couldn't leave him, not after he'd stayed for me for so many things. "Where do you think they're taking us?"

"I have no idea." Dave said. We sat in silence for a long time. The tears streamed down my cheeks silently, but Dave must have sensed them because he wrapped his arms around me to comfort my fear.

"Erica, there's something I want you to know in case anything happens." He said softly.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I just want you to know that I-" He suddenly stopped and his body fell limp from around me.

"Dave?" I said, shaking his motionless body. "Dave!" I said, beginning to cry again. "Dave!" I shouted, but suddenly stopped. There was a strange scent in the air. It was. . . a fruity kind of smell.

Some kind of sleeping gas, I thought.

 And suddenly the world melted into nothing.

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